Wooden Spoon Chinese Dragon Puppet


Make this magnificent wooden spoon Chinese dragon puppet with the kids for Chinese New Year of the Dragon, then perform your own dragon dance! his ribbon body is quite spectacular! Scroll down for instructions and lots more photos...

Wooden spoon Chinese dragon puppet, Year of the Dragon craft, Chinese New Year craft

You will need:

Wooden spoon
Wooden craft stick
Craft foam
Fabric glue
Acrylic paint
Craft foam
Wiggle eyes


Paint the wooden spoon and leave to dry.

Cut a nose and spikes from craft foam and glue these to the back of the spoon.

Stick on two wiggle eyes.

Wooden spoon dragon puppet craft - head detail

To make the body cut a length of ribbon and lay it flat on your work surface. Cut shorter lengths of ribbon and glue them across the main ribbon all along the length.

Wooden spoon dragon puppet craft - body detail

Stick a craft foam triangle onto one end to be the body to be the tail.

Wooden spoon dragon puppet craft - tail detail

When all the glue is dry stick the tail end of the body to the craft stick and the other end to the wooden spoon.

Wooden spoon dragon puppet doing dragon dance

Wooden spoon Chinese dragon puppet


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