Wooden Spoon Dragon Craft


This wooden spoon dragon is incredibly effective and much simpler to make than it looks! It will keep older kids busy for a while and give them a craft to be proud of, too. To make a Welsh Dragon simply use red paint.

Wooden spoon dragon craft

You will need:

A wooden spoon
Green paint
Green craft foam
Scraps of red, yellow and orange craft foam
Green glitter glue
PVA glue
Wiggle eyes
Black permanent pen


Paint the spoon with green paint and leave to dry.

Fold the green foam in half. Draw a wing shape with the bottom along the fold. Cut around the wing shape. Unfold and decorate the wings with the glitter glue.

Dragon wings detail

Draw around the bowl of the spoon onto green foam. Cut out and glue to the spoon at the base of the handle (this is the lower part of the jaw).

dragon head detail

Glue the eyes to the back of the spoon, and draw on the nose with black pen.

Cover the middle of the wing piece with the glue and wrap it round the spoon (you may need to tape in place with low mask tape to hold it while the glue dries)

Now cut an arrow-shaped tail from green foam, decorate with glitter glue and glue to the end of the spoon.

Finally cut a flame shape from yellow foam, a slightly smaller one from orange foam and an even smaller one from yellow foam. Glue them together in a pile and stick to the bottom of the dragon’s mouth.


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