World Cup Printables


Lots NEW! Enjoy the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar with our exciting collection of printables for kids. We have bookmarks, booklets, bunting and more - and even a complete set of flag printables (including jigsaw and colouring page) for each of the countries competing! It's a great excuse to learn about the different countries involved while supporting your own in the tournament.

Design Your Own Soccer Ball

Design Your Own Soccer Ball

Official soccer balls for the big championships are usually full of exciting colours, flags and logos, so you could use this "design your own" printable with the kids with that in mind. Younger children might just enjoy colouring the different hexagons in their favourite colours...

Football Story Starter - World Cup

Football Story Starter - World Cup

Kids will have fun finishing our football story starter with their own exciting story. It begins "Here is the story of how I came to lift the World Cup..."

World Cup 2022 Fact Booklets

World Cup 2022 Fact Booklets

These World Cup fact booklets are always one of most popular downloads - and no wonder, because they are really fun to fold, tuck into your pocket or satchel, and fill in as the competition progresses! There are of course 8 booklets in total, one for each Group in the World Cup 2022 in Qatar.

World Cup 2022 Flag Matching Game Flash Cards

World Cup 2022 Flag Matching Game Flash Cards

These World Cup 2022 flag cards can be used in a number of ways. First, print them out, cut each card out separately, and challenge the kids to match the flag to the correct country name.

World Cup 2022 Flag Printables

World Cup 2022 Flag Printables

Print out a flag for each of the 32 countries taking part in the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar. Why not cut them out and string them up as bunting - then take the flags down as the various countries are knocked out of the competition?

World Cup 2022 Kit Printables

World Cup 2022 Kit Printables

Follow along with the World Cup in Qatar this year - recognising what each team is wearing, whether home or away kit. Our World Cup 2022 Kit Printables have one page for each of the 8 groups.

World Cup 2022 Mini Flag Bunting

World Cup 2022 Mini Flag Bunting

Our World Cup 2022 mini flag bunting has been designed so that you can fold each flag's flap over a piece of string or ribbon and simply glue or staple into place, making it really quick to assemble.

World Cup 2022 Tracker - Group Stage

World Cup 2022 Tracker - Group Stage

Keep track of what is happening in the group stage of the FIFA World Cup 2022 with our printable tracker. Kids will enjoy filling in these tracking pages - and it will help them really understand the process of the competition, too.

World Cup 2022 Tracker - Knockout Stage

World Cup 2022 Tracker - Knockout Stage

It's when we get to the knockout stage of the World Cup that things get really exciting - or disappointing! We've designed this tracker so that kids can join in the fun and keep track of which teams are getting knocked out ... and who is the winner, of course.

More World Cup 2022 Activities

World Cup Colouring Pages
World Cup Colouring Pages

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