Year of the Goat


Sometimes known as Year of the Goat, also known as the Year of the Sheep or the Ram - whichever animal, we hope you enjoy our fun printables, colouring pages, puzzles and crafts, and learn a little about people born in that year.

Year of the Goat

Year of the Goat Dates

If your birthday lies between the dates below, you were born in the Year of the Goat.

  • 17th February 1931 - 5th  February 1932
  • 5th February 1943 - 21st January 1944
  • 24th January 1955 - 11th February 1956
  • 11th February 1967 - 29th January 1968
  • 29th January  1979 - 15th February 1980
  • 15th February  1991 - 3rd February 1992
  • 1st February 2003 - 21st January 2004
  • 19th February 2015 - 7th February 2016

Next Year of the Goat


Year of the Goat paper cut
This is a traditional paper cut for Year of the Goat. Learn more about the craft of Chinese paper cutting here and perhaps have a go at your own - we've got a template that makes it easier!

Goat Characteristics

The person born in the Year of the Goat (or Sheep, or Ram) is one of the most popular of people. Goats tend to be polite, loving, kind-hearted, gentle and calm, and can always be counted on when you need a friend. The goat is charming, and always elegant.

Year of the Goat Activities

(If you would prefer to use the Sheep for this Chinese New Year, we have sheep resources here.)

Year of the Goat Colouring Pages
For your Chinese New Year celebrations, choose from our range of goat colouring pages and Year of...
Year of the Goat Printables
Did you know that people born in the Goat year are artistic, elegant, charming and loving? Everyone...
Year of the Goat Puzzles
Have a go at some of these fun Year of the Goat puzzles with the kids this Chinese New Year... we...
Year of the Goat Worksheets
Our fun worksheets are a quick and easy way to introduce the Chinese New Year of the Goat into the...

More Fun for Year of the Goat

Goat Crafts
Have a go at this fun collection of goat craft ideas...
Goat Crafts


More Goat Themed Activities

Explore more goat activities - including colouring pages and all sorts of fun printables...

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