Help the snake find his way through the maze to the bowl of lucky Chinese New Year oranges! This is our easiest version of this maze. Year of the snake maze 1 - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageHolidaysChinese New YearChinese New Year PuzzlesYear of the SnakeYear of the Snake MazesPuzzlesMazes
Year of the Snake Maze 4 Help the snake find his way to the Chinese lanterns in this lovely hand-drawn maze printable for kids.
Year of the Snake Maze 3 Help the snake find his way through the maze to the bowl of lucky Chinese New Year oranges! This is the most difficult of three versions.
Year of the Snake Maze 2 Help the snake find his way through the maze to the bowl of lucky Chinese New Year oranges! We have three levels of this maze; this one is the medium version.