Look at the picture key to "break" this Year of the Tiger code and decipher the Chinese New Year message! Year of the Tiger message code breaker - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageHolidaysChinese New YearChinese New Year PuzzlesYear of the TigerYear of the Tiger ResourcesPuzzlesCodesMore Code Printables
Chinese New Year Message Code Breaker 2 What does the coded Chinese New Year message say? Can your young detectives decipher the message, using the key?
Chinese New Year Message Code Breaker 1 Can the kids decipher our picture code to work out what the hidden Chinese New Year message says? These code breaker puzzles are very popular!
Year of the Tiger 2022 Poster Welcome to 2022 - the Year of the Tiger! Here's a fun printable poster for Year of the Tiger 2022. We've kept the poster very simple with a white background so that printer ink isn't an issue.