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Octopus Project Pack

Octopus Project Pack

Are the kids interested in learning about octopuses? Here we have grouped together some of our octopus worksheets into one handy pack. Simply print it out and give it to the kids as a project to complete. 

Octopus Fact vs Fiction

Octopus Fact vs Fiction

Sort out the facts and the fiction in this fun comprehension activity. You might be surprised by some of the facts. Use our Octopus Fact Sheet to help you - but don't worry! We have included the answers. 

Octopus Fact Sheet

Octopus Fact Sheet

Learn some interesting facts about octopuses using this fact sheet - the perfect place to start an octopus project. 

Sloth Project Pack

Sloth Project Pack

Are the kids interested in learning about sloths? Here we have grouped together our sloth worksheets in to one handy pack. Simply print, staple together and give to the kids as a project to complete. You could encourage them to design a front cover and a contents page too. 

Sloth Zookeeper Worksheet

Sloth Zookeeper Worksheet

Maybe you're completing a project about sloths or maybe you have a child that fancies being a zookeeper when they're older! This worksheet is perfect for getting the kids to research sloths. 

Sloth Map Worksheet

Find out where sloths can be found and colour in the countries or areas on this world map. This is a great way to introduce some geography into a sloth project. 

Sloth Fact vs Fiction

Sloth Fact vs Fiction

Sort out the facts and the fiction with this fun comprehension worksheet. Some of the facts might surprise the kids. You can find all of the answers on our Sloths Fact Sheet (but we have included a handy answers page too). 

Sloth Fact Sheet

Sloth Fact Sheet

This fact sheet about sloths is a great place to start learning about these fascinating and popular creatures. 

Sloth Playdough Mat

Sloth Playdough Mat

Did you know that sloths spend most of their lives in trees? Use your playdough to create a branch for this sloth to hang from. 

Badgers and Foxes Venn Diagram

Badgers and Foxes Venn Diagram

Badgers and foxes are both animals that can be found in the UK. What other similarities between these two creatures can the kids think of? How are they different?  

Badger Fact Sheet

Badger Fact Sheet

Learn some interesting facts about badgers with the help of this printable badger fact sheet. 

Badger Fact Finding Worksheet

Badger Fact Finding Worksheet

Did you know badgers are actually very clean animals? Ask the kids to research badgers to find out more cool facts and then fill in this worksheet. 

Vertebrates Invertebrates Worksheet

Vertebrates Invertebrates Worksheet

Can the children look at the animals on this printable worksheet and say whether they are vertebrates or invertebrates? We've got a separate sheet with the answers on too if they need some help or so that they can check their work themselves.

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