Basket of Chicks Colouring Page 2
Here's a pair of cute chicks peeking out of a basket for the children to colour in - a perfect colouring page for Easter or spring!
Enjoy these cheerful Spring colouring pages with your children - we've got something for all ages, and you'll find everything from newborn baby animals on the farm to spring flowers, spring fairies to enchant little girls and of course colouring pictures of April showers!
Here's a pair of cute chicks peeking out of a basket for the children to colour in - a perfect colouring page for Easter or spring!
This pretty basket of spring flowers needs some colour. Get out the colouring pencils and make it as bright and cheerful as you can.
Have fun colouring in this simple picture of a bird - perfect for younger children!
Enjoy this pretty spring blossom tree colouring page for kids which can also be used as a counting activity!
The kids will love colouring in these cute birds, who look very busy building a nest with twigs!
Kids can colour in this cute picture of a bunny - perfect for Easter or any time - but first they need to solve some simple sums to work out the right colours to use!
Did you know that a group of butterflies is known as a 'flutter' or sometimes a 'kaleidoscope'? This is one of our most detailed circle colouring pages, and we think the end results will be stunning...
Who could resist colouring in this pretty butterflies colouring page! It's perfect for a sunny day.
Here's a colouring page with a cute chick just hatching out of an egg - perfect to colour in at Easter!
Younger children can enjoy colouring in this cute chick as a fun activity after a farm visit, or for Easter!
This simple colouring page featuring a cute chick is ideal for younger kids and perfect for Easter!
How many lambs can your children find in this delightful spring farmyard colouring page?
A beautiful, simple daffodil colouring page for children, perfect for Spring and St David's Day.
Here is a simple, but beautiful, daffodil colouring page for you to print and enjoy.
The third of our daffodil colouring pages shows a daffodil looking up to soak up the spring sunshine.
Featuring just the head of a daffodil, this colouring page would work well for collages too. They would make a lovely classroom display, coloured or collaged and cut out.
We've filled the background of this pretty daffodil doodle colouring page with spring green so that you can concentate on the doodly details of the flowers! Use a selection of different yellows and oranges and greens for a really special design.
There is so much detail to colour in on this pretty daffodil doodle colouring page - making it perfect for older children and grown-ups. This kind of "meditative" or "mindful" colouring page is very popular right now.
Here's a lovely big bold outline of a daisy for the kids to colour - so pretty in spring-time or summer! Why not cut them out and line up a row of flowers on display...
I always think flowers are one of the best things to draw or colour in, as you can use lots of lovely bright colours! Choose your favourite colours and brighten up the flowers on this colouring page...
Here are four trees for the children to colour in, illustrating their changes with the four seasons. Do the whole page at once, or cut out each tree to make a separate small colouring page - perfect for a classroom of children.
The word "grow" is entwined with pretty, vibrant growing things in this lovely colouring page.
We've kept the outline of our pretty hyacinth colouring page very simple, so that the kids can colour in a whole field of them if they choose and cut them out for display! Imagine these in all sorts of pretty spring colours, lining your walls or notice-boards...
Sometimes the background to a colouring page can be a little daunting to colour in - so on this pretty hyacinth doodle colouring page, we've done it for you!
It will take a little time to colour in this pretty hyacinth doodle colouring page - but that's the whole point! We've aimed it at older children (and adults - we know how many grown-ups enjoy a little bit of colouring in).
There are two things to colour in on this fun colouring page - a rainbow and a flying kite!
Here's a doodle page with some kites on, full of details to keep even the most skilled colouring fan busy!
Here's a pretty spring lambs colouring page to print and enjoy. It's girlie and flowery and fun perfect for little girls!
Sometimes it seems as if winter will never end, but this colouring page quote reminds us that, no matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow!
Here's a simple rabbit colouring page to colour in - with a tulip that makes it perfect for Spring or Easter!
This cute rabbits border colouring page is a perfect Easter activity, but fun to do any time of the year...
Did you know that there is an island in Japan nicknamed 'rabbit island' because so many rabbits live there? You can create your own rabbit island by colouring in this very cute rabbits circle colouring page...
Colour in this pretty picture of children enjoying some spring showers!
A spring scene with a sheep and lamb for children to print and colour.
Have fun with this colouring page featuring the pretty snowdrop, perfect for early Spring...
A group of children play with baby animals on the farm in this lovely detailed colouring page, perfect for Spring or a farmyard theme.
Spring flowers, a cute chick and a butterfly all in one spring basket makes a lovely colouring page for the kids...
Two pretty birds can be seen celebrating the arrival of spring in this lovely spring colouring page.
Here's a beautiful doodle colouring page featuring two pretty spring birds, which we think kids and adults can all enjoy colouring in.
Such a cute colouring page for spring - or any time! A little girl offers a recently gathered bunch of flowers...
Nothing says 'Spring' more than a cute Spring bunny and a pretty butterfly, and we've got one of each on this adorable colouring page...
Here's a pretty colouring page of two children dancing in front of a blossom tree - celebrating the arrival of spring and outdoor play, perhaps!
These kids are dressed for spring showers, complete with Wellington boots and waterproof coats!
Colour in these lovely bookmarks in pretty Spring colours. There's space for your own border design around the edges, and a message on the back. Print four to a page and cut them up for the classroom, or each child can make a set and give to friends and family.
Choose some pretty coloured pens or crayons and have some fun colouring in the word 'Spring'!
We have two versions of this colouring page, featuring a tree changing from winter to spring. One has the heading 'spring equinox' and the other has the heading 'vernal equinox' - just click on your preferred option below to download and print.
Here's a pretty spring fairy playing amongst the spring flowers, all ready to colour in.
You'll find daffodils, tulips, snowdrops and other pretty spring flowers in this lovely spring colouring page for kids to print and colour!
This pretty spring gardening colouring page, complete with window box, trowel and watering can - would make a pretty colouring picture to give to a mother, grandmother or auntie who enjoys gardening...
This lovely colouring page is sure to welcome in the spring, with its little bird, flowers, butterfly and rainbow! All ages can have a go at this one...
This cute little lamb is collecting flowers for spring, and would like to be coloured in! Use the number key and 4 colours to complete the sheet.
Colour in this lovely spring farmyard pond scene with mother duck and ducklings, other birds and wildlife. Lots of detail for older kids!
This beautiful spring street scene is fun to colour, with lots of detail to keep children interested!
Have fun colouring in this lovely, simple, spring tree, full of pretty blossoms!
Add leaves and blossom to this spring tree - a fun doodle colouring page for children! Of course you could also choose to add red and orange leaves, ready for autumn...
A fun colouring page of tulips and bumble bee!
Here's a lovely colouring page of a teddy bear holding an umbrella. Why not make the umbrella as colourful as you can to brighten up a rainy day?
There's a lot of detail to colour in on these doodle-style umbrellas, perfect if you're passing some time waiting for the rain to stop outside!!
Here's a fun colouring page for Father's Day, April showers, the depths of winter, or any time at all! I'm just walking in the rain with Dad...
Welcome the spring by colouring in this pretty drawing of a tree starting to grow blossom as spring arrives...
Pass some time on a rainy day by colouring in the pair of wellies on this doodle page - great fun for older kids and adults too!