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Cambodia Flag Printable

Cambodia Flag Printable

We have three different sizes of the Cambodian flag to print out, ranging from large to tiny! Useful for all sorts of projects and displays, we hope.

Cambodia Flag Jigsaw

Cambodia Flag Jigsaw

Here's a fun way to remember what the flag of Cambodia looks like! Print out our jigsaw and choose a cutting guide appropriate to your child's age.

Cambodia Flag Colouring Page

Cambodia Flag Colouring Page

Here's the flag of Cambodia for the kids to colour in, featuring the Angkor Wat temple complex in the centre.

Cambodia Bookmarks

Cambodia Bookmarks

Choose from four sets of bookmarks for Cambodia, two for colouring in.

Cambodia Booklet

Cambodia Booklet

Print and fold our little booklet featuring the Cambodian flag, then fill it up with facts and thoughts! Folding instructions here.

Scrapbook Paper Party Hats

Scrapbook Paper Party Hats

This lovely cheerful party hat scrapbook paper is perfect for your birthday craft projects, as well as for wrapping up little parcels!

Baseball Catcher Writing Paper

Baseball Catcher Writing Paper

Will he, won't he? It looks like this little boy is going to catch the ball, but you never know! Use this fun paper for letter writing, story writing, or any other baseball themed writing projects!

Baseball Boy Writing Paper

Baseball Boy Writing Paper

Here's a fun writing paper printable for kids who love baseball. It makes a perfect letter paper, a prompt for a story, or perhaps even a place to keep your match reports.

Welcome Back to School Card

Welcome Back to School Card

Here's a simple "welcome back to school" card for teachers to print and give to their kids. It is designed to print onto A4 paper and be folded twice, so it is economical.

School Bus Card

School Bus Card

There's a welcoming school bus on this printable card, which can be used for any school occasion including "back to school". Print onto A4 paper - not card - and then fold twice.

Back to School Picture Card

Back to School Picture Card

This is a large printable card - print onto card or glossy paper and fold once. Perfect for younger children starting school for the first time.

Back to School Bus Card

Back to School Bus Card

The kids will be excited to be heading back to school when they receive this fun printable card, with a big yellow school bus welcoming them back!

Sphinx Writing Paper

Sphinx Writing Paper

Use this striking black and white sphinx writing paper for your Ancient Egypt research.

Hieroglyphics Writing Paper

Hieroglyphics Writing Paper

Just for fun (we are not at all sure these are real hieroglyphs!), this writing paper is perfect for an Ancient Egypt theme.

Sphinx Notebooking Page

Sphinx Notebooking Page

Three printable notebooking pages featuring a photo of the Sphinx, useful for Ancient Egypt projects.

Pyramids Notebooking Page

Pyramids Notebooking Page

We have three variations of this printable pyramids notebooking page, useful for Ancient Egypt studies for all ages.

Learn to Draw Abraham Lincoln

Learn to Draw Abraham Lincoln

Here's a fun way to engage the kids for Presidents Day or your study of Abraham Lincoln - learn how to draw the great man himself! It's easy (ish) with our step by step drawing tutorial!

Snakes and ladders printable

Snakes and Ladders

Here's a simple printable version of the classic children's board game, Snakes and Ladders. We have a pre-coloured version as well as a black and white printable for the kids to colour and decorate themselves.

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