Globe Theatre


Did you know that there have been three Globe Theatres in Southwark, London? The first, the Elizabethan theatre associated with Shakespeare, was built in 1599 but burned down in 1613 during a production of Henry VIII. It was rebuilt in 1614 but closed in 1642 when the Puritans closed all theatres, and demolished in 1644.

The current Globe Theatre, more properly known as Shakespeare's Globe, was opened in 1997 just a few hundred metres away from the original site, and is based on our knowledge of the two original theatres. Theatre-goers sit on simple wooden benches or stand in the "pit", as they would have in Shakespeare's time.

Fun fact: Shakespeare's Globe has the first - and only - thatched roof in London ince 1666! Thatched roofing has been banned in the capital city since the Great Fire of London.

Globe Theatre

Globe Theatre Colouring Page

Globe Theatre Colouring Page

Here's a colouring page of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre to print and enjoy. It's not quite what we expect a theatre to look like today! Remember, as a Tudor building, much of the outside would be dark-stained beams and whitewash.

Globe Theatre Postcard

Globe Theatre Postcard

Here's a fun little writing project for Shakespeare Week: write a postcard pretending that you had just visited a production of one of Shakespeare's plays in the original Globe Theatre! Of course you can also use the postcard to describe a visit to the modern Globe!

Globe Theatre Story Paper

Globe Theatre Story Paper

Colour in Shakespeare's Globe and write what you know about the theatre, or perhaps use our story paper to recount a visit or make up a story...

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