Bat Life Cycle Sequencing Cards
Here's a fun activity if you're learning about the life cycle of bats. Cut out each picture card (including the arrows and title card) then ask the children to put them into a sequencing display.
We've two different activities to help your children learn the sequence of life cycle stages. Choose from our sequencing cards that they can arrange, we even have the arrows, or our life cycle sequencing worksheets where they have to do some cutting and sticking to arrange the stages into the correct order.
Here's a fun activity if you're learning about the life cycle of bats. Cut out each picture card (including the arrows and title card) then ask the children to put them into a sequencing display.
The aim of these sequencing cards is to place them in the correct order to show the life cycle of a bean plant. Choose from our blank or labelled versions, print, cut out then ask the kids to arrange the cards using the arrows to show the life cycle.
Help the kids learn about the life cycle of a bean plant with this fun activity. They need to cut out the pictures, arrangeĀ them in the right order then stick them onto the second sheet.
This fun activity tests how much the kids know about the lifecycle of the butterfly. Print out the cards and the arrows, cut out (and laminate if you want to reuse them), then ask the children to arrange them in the correct order.
Can the kids complete the life cycle of a butterfly using the pictures provided? They need to cut out each picture, arrange in the correct order then glue in place.
Are you learning about the lifecycle of a frog? These printable life cycle sequencing cards (and arrows) let you create your own large diagram showing the process. Can the kids put the cards in the correct order? Choose from blank or labelled versions below.
Here's a fun cut and paste activity to help the kids learn about the life cycle of a frog. Can they cut out the pictures, arrange them in the correct order than glue them onto the life cycle diagram?.
Cut out the cards and then put them into a hedgehog life cycle sequencing display. We've included arrows and a title card too.
This cut and stick sequencing activity will help children learn the interesting life cycle of a jellyfish.
The children can practice sequencing and learn about nature using our Life Cycle of a Spider Sequencing Worksheet. The young learners need to cut out all of the pictures, arrange them in the correct order then stick them in the blank spaces on the other sheet.
How well do the children know the life cycle of a spider? Use these sorting cards to find out. Each of the cards in this printable set contains part of the description of a spider's life cycle. Cut them up then mix them up, and ask the kids to put them back together in the correct order.
Cut out the pictures on the second page of this worksheet, and stick them into the correct position on the first page. It's an easy activity for younger children and will help them learn the 4 stages we depict in the life cycle of a squirrel.
Each of the cards in this 3-page pdf contains part of description of the life cycle of a squirrel. Cut them up, jumble them up, and let the kids put them back into the correct order.
Can the kids put these sequencing cards in the correct order to show the life cycle of a turkey? We've included the answers if they need a little help. Choose from our colour or black and white versions below.
Practice sequencing and learn about nature with young learners using our Owl Life Cycle Sequence worksheet. The children need to cut out the pictures, arrange them in the right order then stick them onto the other sheet in the blank spaces.
Print our sunflower life cycle sequencing cards (and arrows) onto some strong white paper or card, then cut out and arrange in the correct order to make your own life cycle diagram. You can laminate the cards and arrows for extra durability too (choose from blank or labelled versions below).
Cut out the pretty sunflower life cycle pictures from the first sheet of this printable (in colour or black and white), then arrange in the order of the sunflower plant lifecycle. Then glue the pictures onto the second sheet to complete the sunflower lifecycle diagram!