Times Tables


A comprehensive range of times tables printables to make your life easier! Explore below to find times table flash cards (large and foldable), posters, posters with words, and multiplication tables.

Large Times Tables Flash Cards
Our simple times tables flash cards print four to a page and are available in black and white and...
Folding Times Tables Flash Cards
Fun, colourful, flash cards for each of the times tables from 2x to 15x. Simple to print double-...
Times Tables Flash Cards - Double Sided
These simple times table flash cards have been popular for many years now. Use a double-sided...
Times Tables Multiplication Squares
These useful multiplication squares help children to visualise their times tables and see the...
Times Tables Games
Who said learning times tables had to be hard! We've turned it into a game with these "...
Times Tables Posters
We've got useful, colourful posters for each of the times tables up to 12, and you can choose...
Times Tables Posters with Words
Here's a variation on our standard times tables posters. These landscape printables show both...
Times Tables Dominoes
Dominoes are a fun way to learn and test - somehow they turn practise into a game, and that must be...
Times Tables Worksheets
The times tables worksheets below are just the first of many. Learning and drilling times tables...
Skip Counting Cards
These skip counting cards make learning times tables fun! Print them onto card, cut out and...
Skip Counting Dot to Dots
Kids can enjoy a dot to dot activity while practising their times tables, a clever combination! We...
Skip Counting Hundred Squares
These colourful and appealing hundred squares make skip counting and learning times tables fun. We...

More Times Table Fun...

Stepping Stone Puzzles
Stepping Stone Puzzles

Hundred Squares
Hundred Squares

More Printable Activities

Sorting Activities
Sorting Activities

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