African Animal Grid Copy Puzzles


Here's a set of our popular grid copy puzzles that includes all your favourite African animals, and some of our cutest illustrations. Children have to look closely to copy the picture on to the grid opposite, one square at a time.

Baboon Grid Copy

Baboon Grid Copy

This is quite a tricky picture to copy, and will require concentration and careful drawing skills! If the kids copy carefully though they will end up with their own baboon picture in the right-hand grid.

Camel Grid Copy

Camel Grid Copy

Can you copy the rather intricate picture of a camel from the left grid to the blank right grid? It's not for the faint-hearted! Take the challenge one square at a time..

Cheetah Grid Copy

Cheetah Grid Copy

Trace the squares one by one and look carefully to see where the spots are on this cheetah grid copy.

Chimpanzee Grid Copy

Chimpanzee Grid Copy

This is a fun way to learn to draw a chimpanzee, also useful for practising counting, copying skills and pencil control. Copy the chimpanzee from the grid on the left to the grid on the right, square by square.

Crocodile Grid Copy

Crocodile Grid Copy

Here's a fun challenge - can the kids copy the crocodile on the left onto the grid on the right? Counting and copying square by square can help.

Elephant Grid Copy

Elephant Grid Copy

Our lovely elephant is one of the simpler of our animal grid copy puzzles, with his easy shapes. Count the squares and copy one by one if it helps - sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't as it distracts you from the whole picture!

Flamingo Grid Copy

Flamingo Grid Copy

It's fun to copy pictures using grids to help  - especially when drawing a lovely flamingo like this one! Copy one square at a time and watch the picture unfold.

Gazelle Grid Copy

Gazelle Grid Copy

Copy the gazelle from the grid on the left onto the grid on the right. Careful counting and copying square by square can make the job easier…

Giraffe Grid Copy

Giraffe Grid Copy

Copy our lovely giraffe picture with the help of the square grid. Children can count the squares and copy the details of each one individually if it helps. It's a great exercise in copying, pencil control and concentration skills!

Hippo Grid Copy

Hippo Grid Copy

This hippo has a really simple outline, making it an excellent introduction to our grid copy puzzles. Copy the picture on the left onto the grid on the right, square by square.

Hyena Grid Copy

Hyena Grid Copy

This hyena grid copy is quite detailed and a great challenge for older kids. Copy the squares one at a time and check carefully to draw his markings in the right place!

Lion Grid Copy

Lion Grid Copy

I love this lion illustration - and I think children would get a real sense of achievement if they copy the picture successfully. Having the grid to work from really helps, especially if you take it square by square.

Meerkat Grid Copy

Meerkat Grid Copy

Copy our funny meerkat picture from the left grid to the right grid, counting and copying square by square if that helps.  

Ostrich Grid Copy

Ostrich Grid Copy

Trace the squares carefully one by one on our ostrich grid copy puzzle to draw your own picture of this giant bird.  It's quite tricky so concentration is required!

Rhino Grid Copy

Rhino Grid Copy

Here's a fun grid copy puzzle that is perfectly mid range - not too easy and not too difficult! Copy the rhino from the left grid to the right, square by square if necessary.

Snake Grid Copy

Snake Grid Copy

Here's a fun way for the kids to practise pencil control skills! Copy the snake from the grid on the left to the grid on the right. 

Warthog Grid Copy

Warthog Grid Copy

Here's a challenging grid copy puzzle for older kids. Copy the warthog in the grid on the left to the grid on the right, using the squares to keep the picture accurate.

Wildebeest Grid Copy

Wildebeest Grid Copy

See if the kids can copy our picture of a wildebeest from one grid to the other. It's quite tricky so they'll need to concentrate to finish the task!

Zebra Grid Copy

Zebra Grid Copy

Copy the zebra in the grid on the left into the grid on the right, using the squares to help. Count carefully and draw the contents of each square one by one if it helps.

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