Colour in this picture of carp kites flying in the wind for Children's Day. Print using borderless settings if possible and simply fold in half when you've finished colouring. Koinobori Kites colouring card - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageColouring PagesColouring CardsHolidaysTopicsAround the WorldAsiaJapanJapanese CultureCarp KitesKitesKite Colouring Pages
Koinobori Kites Colouring Page Children admire the carp kites flying in the wind in this fun colouring page showing old Japanese traditions.
Koinobori Follow the Instructions Colouring 2 Here's an original worksheet/colouring page for Children's Day. Simply follow the instructions carefully to colour in koinobori kites.
Koinobori Follow the Instructions Colouring 1 Colour In the carp kites by following the instructions. This is the first of two fun worksheets on this theme.