2025 Finger Tracing
Print this 2025 finger tracing activity to use in the classroom or at home. You can laminate the sheet once coloured in and then reuse it for writing practice...
Lots NEW! We've got a big collection of fun, cheerful and beautifully illustrated New Year worksheets for kids, including handwriting worksheets, story starters, fill in the blank stories and goal setting sheets. Find our New Year worksheets below.
You might also find our Goal Setting for Kids printables useful!
Print this 2025 finger tracing activity to use in the classroom or at home. You can laminate the sheet once coloured in and then reuse it for writing practice...
This handy worksheet helps the children practice writing 2025. If they fancy a bit more practice, we have another sheet to try here...
The kids will soon be able to write the year 2025 correctly if they practise using this fun handwriting worksheet.
The children can practise their handwriting skills ready for 2025 with this handy worksheet. Can they trace over each month of the new year as well as the numbers 2025?
Children will enjoy cutting along the dotted lines in the direction of the colourful balloons! Make sure that they stop just before the balloon, and start with the easiest path first!
Children will need to solve the sums in order to use the right colours for this fun clock colouring page.
Stars are quite tricky to cut out so they are good practice for children learning scissor skills! We have three sizes on this worksheet, which we've produced both in black and white (print onto coloured paper for more interest) or colour.
Use these Fireworks acrostics printables for Bonfire Night, Fourth of July, Canada Day, Diwali, Eid or any time fireworks are enjoyed!
These rockets are shooting off into the sky! Children can practice their scissor skills by cutting along the dotted lines of their tracks on our fireworks cutting practice worksheet.
There are two pages of fireworks for children to cut out and stick here - all sorts of exciting shapes from rockets to catherine wheels to sparklers! Cut carefully along the dotted lines.
Writing an acrostic poem is always more fun if you have a nice printable to write it out neatly on! Here is one featuring New Year balloons. It makes a fun writing paper page too.
Use this New Year finger tracing sheet in the classroom. Why not colour the page in then laminate it - then you can use it repeatedly with a dry-wipe pen...
Ring in the New Year with some handwriting practice! The kids won't complain when they see this lovely worksheet...and they can colour in the pictures, too.
At New Year there is such a feeling of excitement in the air as everyone makes their plans for the year ahead! Can the kids capture their feelings and senses with the help of this printable sensory poem planning sheet?
Here is a New Year Words printable worksheet for younger kids. Write some New Year words on the bear's drum!
This fun printable story starter will get the kids' creative writing flowing! "We had a few odd things happen this year", said Mum...."
Get reluctant writers writing with our fun New Years Resolutions fill in the blank story. All they need to do is add the prompted words and read back their own unique story.
Kids will have fun filling in this "fill in the blank" story on New Year Resolutions - choose your words carefully for a giggle or two!
This fun printable story starter will get the kids' creative writing flowing! "We had a few odd things happen this year", said Mum...."
Can the children write down three dreams or wishes for 2025? This is such a simple but useful activity, and it is a great one to keep and look back on in years to come!