NEW! Daily Routines, Weather, Subtraction Within 20 and More...


10th May 2018
We've added over 60 of our popular "Colouring Quotes" over the last year or so, 2 a week, and I think it is time for a pause - so that mean's that this week's two lovely pages will be the last for a while. But don't worry, we've got a new colouring activity starting next week (also suitable for older children and adults) that I think you are going to love. Keep an eye out!
Elsewhere, we've started another brand new topic (Daily Routines), added some fab new Weather activities, created crosswords and Subtraction with 20 resources and learned about one of our favourite authors. It's all below....
Activity Village Membership ...
We now have over 28,800 printable activities available to our Activity Village Members - and we are adding more nearly every day (2350 this year already)! If you haven't joined up yet, you can browse the website to see what we offer and find out about becoming a member here. And remember - logged-in Members see an ad-free version of the website! *
What happens when your Membership year is up? We don't renew automatically but we dosend an email alerting you when your year expires. After expiry, simply log in to the website and you will find a link to our payment page.
What's New at Activity Village ...
We've added new resources for subtraction within 20
New resources for subtraction within 20
Our "famous person" this week is the well-loved and much admired female author Mary Ann Evans, who is of course always known by her pen name, George Eliot.
Famous person of the week - George Eliot
We've launched a new Weather Vocabulary and Spellings collection this week, packed full of various flash cards, word cards, worksheets, spelling jigsaws, puzzles and more.
New weather vocabulary and spellings
Our new Weather Word Puzzles are great for vocabulary extension and logic skills - and of course they are fun! 
Lots to spot on our new weather posters
Here is a brand new set of weather picture comprehension worksheets. You could use these through the seasons too, saving the stormy day for a stormy day...
Lovely new weather comprehension worksheets
We've published five new guided crosswords (with word bank for children to choose from) on family, weather, spring, farm and trees.
Five new guided crosswords with word bank for children to choose from
We've started a new topic with these Daily Routines Posters. Four children (and 2 babies) take you through their typical day - waking up, brushing teeth, getting dressed, going to school and so on, right through until bed time...
Starting a new topic with these Daily Routines posters
And here's the colouring in version! Daily Routines Colouring Pages
Daily Routines colouring pages
This week's lovely new Colouring Quotes are perfect for older children and adults and offer some inspiration to absorb as you colour.
Two mindful colouring quotes this week
Because I love this particular quote and colouring page so much, I asked Tatyana do make us a pre-coloured version to use as a greetings card and poster.
Oscar Wilde poster and greetings card
This Week's Guest Post
In our Guest Post this week, Sarah B tells us how she followed up a visit to London with the family with some fun learning and crafty activities.
Guest post - Learning about London
Have You Seen?
Have you seen this assortment of word puzzles? We've got so many puzzles on the website now, mostly sorted into collections. But sometimes we do a one-off puzzle for a theme, or test a new puzzle a few times - and if they are word based they end up here in our More Word Puzzles section!
Have you seen this assortment of word puzzles?
A Little Something ...
One of my favourite "read aloud" poems!
Lines and Squares
by A.A. Milne
Whenever I walk in a London street,
I'm ever so careful to watch my feet;
And I keep in the squares,
And the masses of bears,
Who wait at the corners all ready to eat
The sillies who tread on the lines of the street
Go back to their lairs,
And I say to them, "Bears,
Just look how I'm walking in all the squares!"
And the little bears growl to each other, "He's mine,
As soon as he's silly and steps on a line."
And some of the bigger bears try to pretend
That they came round the corner to look for a friend;
And they try to pretend that nobody cares
Whether you walk on the lines or squares.
But only the sillies believe their talk;
It's ever so 'portant how you walk.
And it's ever so jolly to call out, "Bears,
Just watch me walking in all the squares!"
Coming Up Soon ...

7th - 11th May: Teacher Appreciation Week (US)

7th to 11th May: Sun Awareness Week

10th May: Vesak

13th May: Mother's Day (US)

15th May: International Day of Families

19th May: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Wedding

8th June: World Oceans Day

14th June - 15th July: FIFA World Cup

17th June: Father's Day

14th June: Eid al-Fitr

1st July: Canada Day

4th July: Fourth of July​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


​​​​​​​Spring . . Summer . . Autumn . . Winter
And don't forget you can click through to our Holiday Calendar to explore our resources by upcoming holiday and event. Get your planning done and activities printed out in plenty of time!
Thank you for visiting Activity Village...
And for telling friends, family and colleagues about the website! If you think you might not be receiving all our newsletters, why not white-list us to make sure that the email gets through? There are instructions for how to white-list with most email providers here.
All the best until next time!
Lindsay Small​​​​​​​
* We are still showing a small number of ads on our Search Results page and will be doing so until we find an alternative search solution which works as well as the existing search facility.
* * If you would be interested in Guest Posting for us, please reply to this email and tell me a little about yourself, together with an idea for your first post.


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