We have 3 Pancake Day mazes with different levels of difficulty. Perhapsyou could print to keep children busy while the pancakes are being cooked? Pancake Day Maze Easy - Log in or Become a Member to downloadPancake Day Maze Medium - Log in or Become a Member to downloadPancake Day Maze Difficult - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageHolidaysPancake DayPancake Day PuzzlesPuzzlesMazes
Pancake Day Maze 4 Here is the 4th of our Pancake Day "pancake" mazes - circular in shape and tricky enough to keep older kids challenged! Find your way to the centre of the pancake. The solution is on page 2 of the pdf file if you need it.
Pancake Day Maze 3 Can the kids find the way to the centre of this pancake maze? Don't look at the solution (page 2 of the pdf file) until you have had a good try!
Pancake Day Maze 2 Find your way to the centre of the "pancake" on the second of our Pancake Day mazes! The solution is on page 2 of the pdf file if you need it.