SLH Year 5 Week 1


Welcome to Week 1 of our Summer Learning Hub activities for Year 5. There's plenty to do here - all with the aim of keeping kids busy and their brain's ticking over while having fun in the summer holidays!

Year 5 Summer Learning Hub Week 1 - The Seaside

Maths Activities

Revise symmetry with this interesting symmetry drawing challenge, and play a game that allows you to revise all your times tables! We've also got a challenging set of number sorting cards to tackle, decorated with cheerful crabs, and beach towel place value worksheets!

Complete the sandcastle by copying one half to the other with this fun symmetry worksheet....

The kids can practise their timestables up to 12 with our seaside multiplication bump worksheets...

This set of crab number sorting cards is going to challenge the kids! We've included...

Practise place value - up to 100,000s - with the help of our beach towel worksheets!


Write an acrostic poem or a story, try our (tricky) alphabet challenge, unscramble sentences and read and draw...

Use this fun colouring picture to spark the imagination for a story about a visit to the beach,...

What feelings, smells, sights and noises does the seaside conjur up for the kids? Think about...

Here's a fun puzzle to try by the seaside - or perhaps on the journey to the beach. Try to think up...

This "surfer boy" story starter worksheet asks children to look at the boy in the...

Colour in these two sunbathing children - enjoying themselves at the seaside - while reading and...

Here are 8 summery sentences - all scrambled up! Put the words into a meaningful order, add...

Crafty Fun

My son was lucky enough to go surfing in California once, with a dolphin for company! Who doesn't like dolphins?

This adorable felt dolphin bookmark will make reading a joy for anyone who uses it. Children...

More Seaside Fun

We've suggested a real mixture of seaside themed pages here - from puzzles to colouring to mazes! Something for everyone.

Challenge the kids to find as many words as possible in this word wheel puzzle. Each word must...

Try to make as many words as you can from the letters on display in this seaside boggler puzzle...

Print this delightful colouring page of children playing volleyball on the beach, for older...

You'll find 3 full pages of jokes for the kids to enjoy in this summer jokes printable. The...

There are 4 levels of difficulty to choose from with this fun triangular beach-themed maze, from...

Our Seaside Topic

If you are looking for more resources and would like to take the seaside theme further, there's lots more to explore here:


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