The kids can practise their timestables up to 12 with our seaside multiplication bump worksheets (see each printable worksheet for instructions). Seaside multiplication bump - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageTopicsSeasideSeaside WorksheetsSeaside Maths WorksheetsSeaside GamesSeasonsSummerSummer WorksheetsSummer Maths WorksheetsSummer GamesGamesAll Games A-ZDice GamesLearningMathsMaths TopicsTimes TablesTimes Tables Games
Seaside Dice Addition Help practise addition skills with a seaside theme! Roll two dice, add up the numbers and colour in the answer on the correct bucket and spade - you can time yourself against the clock, or play against a friend!
Sea Shell Dot To Dot Skip Counting Here's a dot to dot with a times tables difference! Join up the dots to form a picture, but choose the times table your child is working on first.
Bucket Dot To Dot Skip Counting Join the dots on this beach bucket and practise your times tables at the same time! Choose from 2s to 10s below.