Summer Worksheets


We've got quite a mixture of fun worksheets to use in the summer classroom or keep your kids amused during the summer holidays - everything from story starters to early learning counting and pattern worksheets, and handwriting worksheets too. Explore below...

Summer Acrostic Poem Printables
Gear up for the summer holidays - or keep the kids' brains sharp over the long weeks away from...
Summer Alphabetical Order Worksheets
Here's a useful collection of worksheets for practising alphabetical order. We've cheered...
Summer Handwriting Worksheets
We've word and finger tracing as well as word handwriting worksheets for you to print on a...
Summer Maths Worksheets
Get counting, sorting, adding and multiplying this summer with this collection of fun summer themed...
Summer Pattern Worksheets
Being able to recognise patterns is an improtant skill in maths. Help children get some fun...
Summer Poetry Resources
Get creative this summer with the help of this collection of summer poetry resources, including...
Summer Reading Activities
Read and colour, read and draw, read and answer the questions - we've got lots of fun summer...
Summer Scissor Activities
Practise motor control skills and build up hand strength with some cutting practice. We have...
Summer Story Starters
The best thing about our story starters is that the kids can take the stories in any direction they...
Summer Symmetry Worksheets
Treat these symmetry worksheets as a maths exercise - or as a puzzle challenge! We've provided...
Summer Tracing Pages
Work on pencil control, drawing between or over the dotted lines on this fun collection of summer...
Summer Writing Prompts
Our summer writing prompts collection - which includes a slideshow, writing prompt worksheets and...
Summer Story Paper
Our summer story paper combines some of our summer colouring pages to spark the imagination and...
More Summer Worksheets
We've a fun Enid Blyton themed story starter to inspire some creative writing on a summer...

More Summer Fun for Kids

Summer Planning
Summer Planning

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