Throwing Games


Kids love to throw - whether it be a ball, a stick, crumpled up paper, or a Frisbee - and throwing games are good fun, good exercise, and excellent for developing all sorts of sporting skills. We have gathered together a collection of throwing games to inspire you, both for indoors and outdoors.

Chinese Ball

Chinese Ball

This traditional Chinese playground game develops children's ball skills and their concentration - it really keeps them on their toes! It is probably best for children aged 6 or older and can be played indoors or outdoors.

Christmas Card Toss

Christmas Card Toss

This game couldn't be simpler - but it is a great way to use last year's cards and kids (and adults) enjoy it. A good boredom buster for long winter afternoons!

Getting to Know You

Getting to Know You

This is an excellent game to play when you have a group of children who don't know each other well. You can play it with children as young as 4.

Throw Coins

Throw Coins

This is a traditional Chinese boy's game, similar to marbles. Children "win" coins in this game, so you will need to decide whether to play with real coins as the prize or to claim them back at the end!

Throwing The Square

Throwing The Square

Throwing The Square is a traditional Chinese game which can be played with two players or teams, indoors or out.

Age: 5 up


Toss The Snowball

Toss The Snowball

Toss The Snowball is an easy game to set up and can be played with all ages (as young as 2) and numbers. 

Age: 2+

Numbers: any

You will need:

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