Year of the Pig


2019-2020 was the last Year of the Pig. If  you or your child was born in a Pig year, explore our Year of the Pig resources for kids below.

Year of the Pig fun for kids!

Year of the Pig Dates

  • 4th February 1935 - 23rd January 1936
  • 1st January 1947 - 9th February 1948
  • 8th February 1959 - 27th January 1960
  • 27th January 1971 - 24th February 1972
  • 13th February 1983 - 1st February 1984
  • 31st January 1995 - 18th February 1996
  • 18th February 2007 - 6th February 2008
  • 5th February 2019 - 24th January 2020

Next Year of the Pig

23rd January 2031 - 10th February 2032

Pig Characteristics

The person born into the Year of the Pig is noble and chivalrous, honest and helpful. They are someone you will definitely appreciate by your side when you are in a pickle! Do you have a problem? The pig is happy to try to help you solve it. They will also forgive you if you do them wrong - but only up to a certain point, so don't abuse their trust. A pig doesn't like to get into an argument, but he or she can have a quick temper.

Our Year of the Pig Activities

Year of the Pig Colouring Pages
Here is our collection of colouring pages for Year of the Pig ... ready for children born in 2019...
Year of the Pig Printables
Lots NEW! Whether you are celebrating Chinese New Year 2019 or looking for a fun printable for...
Year of the Pig Worksheets
Lots NEW! We have an interesting creative writing activity, some hand writing practice and much...
Year of the Pig Crafts
Celebrate a new Chinese New Year - the Year of the Pig - by having a go at one of these fun pig...
Year of the Pig Puzzles
Here's some piggy puzzling fun perfect for someone born in the Year of the Pig or just for...

Why not make and decorate some cookies to celebrate the Year of the Pig?
Why not make and decorate some cookies to celebrate the Year of the Pig?


Also Please Explore

Chinese New Year
Our huge collection of Chinese New Year resources - here:
Chinese New Year

More Pig Fun for Kids

Lots more pig activities - pig printables and pig colouring pages - here:

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