

Cockatoos are showy birds with colourful crests and curved beaks, which are found mostly in Australasia. The cockatoo shown in our photo is a sulphur-crested cockatoo, which is very common in Australia and can often be found in such large numbers that it is regarded as a pest as they can feed on fruit and cereal crops.

The cockatoo has a distinctive, raucous call!

We've got cockatoo notebooking pages and booklets as well as a fun cockatoo colouring pages, worksheets and printables!

Cockatoos for kids

Cockatoo Acrostic Poem Printable

Cockatoo Acrostic Poem Printable

Get the kids to write an acrostic poem with the help of this cockatoo acrostic printable. You can use them as writing paper / frames too.

Cockatoo Booklet

Cockatoo Booklet

Print and fold these cute little origami mini booklets and fill them with facts about the cockatoo, one of Australia's native birds. Choose from lined or blank and click the links below for our high quality printable versions.

Cockatoo Colour by Numbers

Cockatoo Colour by Numbers

The kids can have a go at colouring in our cockatoo picture with the help of the number key. UK and US versions available.

Cockatoo Colouring Page

Cockatoo Colouring Page

Print and colour this simple cockatoo colouring page, with bold outlines for younger children. Click the link below for our printable version.

Cockatoo Finger Tracing

Cockatoo Finger Tracing

Here's a fun way to learn how to form your letters! Trace over the letters of the word cockatoo, then colour in the picture. You could laminate this page and use with a dry wipe pen.

Cockatoo Grid Copy

Cockatoo Grid Copy

This is a fun way to learn to draw a cockatoo, also useful for practicing counting, copying skills and pencil control. Copy the cockatoo from the grid on the left to the grid on the right, square by square.

Cockatoo Handwriting Worksheet

Cockatoo Handwriting Worksheet

There's plenty of handwriting practice on this cockatoo-themed worksheet! Trace the letters in various formats and then write it oneself on the last line...

Cockatoo Jigsaw

Cockatoo Jigsaw

Print out this fun cockatoo jigsaw onto card using the instructiions and cutting guides here. It takes a moment to make and you can adapt it for all ages.

Cockatoo Notebooking Page

Cockatoo Notebooking Page

Use our printable notebooking pages to write about the cockatoo, one of Australia's distinctive native birds. Choose from two designs, and just click on the links below to download printable versions.

Cockatoo Poster

Cockatoo Poster

This pretty cockatoo poster is perfect for display on the wall of the classroom, playroom or even bedroom or as a page in a project about Australian birds, perhaps. Fairly simple outlines mean that children can cut out the picture for sticking elsewhere if they want.

Cockatoo Poster 2

Cockatoo Poster 2

Here's a poster of two very beautiful cockatoos, great for a bird-themed project or display. For best results, print using the borderless settings on your printer.

Cockatoo Story Paper

Cockatoo Story Paper

Use our pretty story paper to write about the cockatoo or to make up a story with a cockatoo as the central character. Don't forget to colour in the picture!

Cockatoo Worksheet

Cockatoo Worksheet

Find out some simple facts about the cockatoo for this fun workksheet - available in colour or black and white.

Cockatoo Writing Page

Cockatoo Writing Page

Capture everything you've learned about the cockatoo using our writing paper! We have a colour version and a black and white version to choose from...

Complete the Cockatoo Puzzle

Complete the Cockatoo Puzzle

Childrave to fill in the blank parts of this puzzle to create their own cockatoo. It takes concentration and copying skills!

Cupcake Case Collage Cockatoo

Cupcake Case Collage Cockatoo

This beautiful cockatoo collage is made simply with a few pieces of paper and some cupcake cases - but won't he look handsome on display!

Learn to Draw a Cockatoo

Learn to Draw a Cockatoo

Just be following the simple steps and easy shapes in our tutorial, children can learn to draw their own cockatoo. Fun for an Australian theme, perhaps?

Paper Plate Cockatoo

Paper Plate Cockatoo

Turn a paper plate and some feathers into a beautiful cockatoo, perfect to put out on display as part of a bird or Aussie theme, or just to make because ... well, why not!

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