Dinosaur Tracing Pages


These dinosaur tracing pages are designed for younger children and provide plenty of pencil control practice - and fun! We've kept the dinosaurs friendly and they would all like to be coloured in, please...

NB: We've included a mammoth and smilodon in this collection. We know they aren't dinosaurs! But we haven't got anywhere else to put them just yet...

Diplodocus Tracing Page

Diplodocus Tracing Page

The diplodocus had a very long neck and tail - which means there are long dotted lines to trace on this diplodocus tracing page!

Ichthyosaurus Tracing Page

Ichthyosaurus Tracing Page

Kids can trace over the dotted lines on this ichthyosaurus, and then colour him in. What modern sea creature does the ichthyosaurus remind you of?

Iguanodon Tracing Page

Iguanodon Tracing Page

Trace over the dotted lines on our funny, friendly iguanodon! And then colour him in...

Mammoth tracing page

Mammoth Tracing Page

Here's a lovely, friendly looking woolly mammoth with dotted lines for the kids to trace before colouring him in.

Pteranodon Tracing Page

Pteranodon Tracing Page

This well known flying dinosaur had a huge wingspan! I wouldn't want to meet one today. We've left some of the lines dotted for the kids to trace before colouring this pteranodon in.

Smilodon Tracing Page

Smilodon Tracing Page

The smilodon was a fierce, saber-toothed tiger from prehistoric times, now long extinct. Children can trace the dotted lines then colour him in.

Spinosaurus Tracing Page

Spinosaurus Tracing Page

This spiky spinosaurus has some dotted lines that need to be completed, before colouring him in...

Stegosaurus Tracing Page

Stegosaurus Tracing Page

Here's a lovely cartoon-style stegasaurus tracing page for the kids to trace and colour. There's lots of fiddly colouring in for pencil control practice!

Triceratops Tracing Page

Triceratops Tracing Page

We've left some of the lines on this triceratops picture dotted for the kids to trace before colouring him in. It's a fun way to work on pencil control.

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