Dinosaur Writing Prompts


NEW! We have 10 dinosaur writing prompts for younger children and 30 dinosaur writing prompts for older kids that will inspire some really interesting - and fun - creative writing from your children! Print them out in 3 different ways. Firstly, as cards to cut out and distribute amongst your children. Secondly, as a simple list for your reference. And thirdly, as ready-made printable dinosaur story paper (with run-on and illustration sheets too).

Our dinosaur writing prompts make story writing so much fun!

Dinosaur writing prompts - cards

Dinosaur Writing Prompts - Cards

Print and cut out 30 little cards filled with inspiration for a dinosaur story! Our writing prompts will really get their imagination flowing, and are a great way to start a creative writing exercise - especially with reluctant writers.

Dinosaur Writing Prompts - List

Dinosaur Writing Prompts - List

This is a simple list of 30 fun and creative dinosaur writing prompts that can be used in the classroom or home, to spark some really exciting writing from your students / children.

Dinosaur Writing Prompts Story Paper

Dinosaur Writing Prompts Story Paper

Choose from 30 fun creative writing story prompts with a dinosaur theme, ready for your students/children to sit down and start writing! There are 30 different pages in this pdf file, so simple choose the pages you want and see what they are inspired to write...

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