Handmade Nativity Scene


Christmas isn't Christmas without a Nativity scene on display, and a handmade Nativity scene is best of all for young children! Our Nativity characters are made with paper cups and polystyrene balls, some paint, and a lot of imagination and fun!

Handmade nativity scene

To make a stable:

To make our stable, we simply wrapped the outside of a large box in Christmas wrapping paper, scattered some straw inside and found a small foil container and scrap of fabric to use as a manger.

The Nativity characters:

Cup And Ball Mary Craft
Cup and ball Mary craft

Cup And Ball Joseph Craft
Cup And Ball Joseph Craft

Cup And Ball Shepherd Craft
Cup And Ball Shepherd Craft

Cup And Ball King Craft
Cup And Ball King Craft

Cup And Ball Angel Craft
Cup And Ball Angel Craft


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