Pipe Cleaner Skeleton


Model this pipe cleaner skeleton with your kids - a quick and easy Halloween craft! You could make a whole collection of these and have them hanging in a window or sitting on a shelf or window sill to welcome guests!

Pipe cleaner skeleton

You will need:

White pipe cleaners
Wool to hang


Cut a pipe cleaner in half. Put one half to one side, and keep the other as the spine.

Take another pipe cleaner, and cut it so that it is roughly two thirds and one third. Bend the long piece in half, and twist the middle onto one end of the spine. Shape into the legs.

Take a third pipe cleaner, and again cut it so that it is roughly two thirds and one third. Bend the long piece in half, and twist the middle onto one the other end of the spine, shaping it to form the shoulders and arms.

To make the ribs, twist one end of a pipe cleaner onto the spine just below the arms. Shape it into a zigzag pattern and twist around the spine to finish.

For the skull, cut another pipe cleaner so that it is roughly two thirds and one third. Using the long piece, twist a small loop for the mouth. Make another loop around the outside with a pointed top for the nose. Finally twist a loop around the outside.

Twist your spine onto your skull to join the whole thing up.

If you like, tie a piece of wool to the skull so you can hang your skeleton.



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