Rugby Worksheets


This page might have the title Rugby Worksheets, but we've designed the pages below to be more fun than work! We've got pencil control worksheets with a rugby theme for younger children, counting worksheets, two levels of sorting activities and some interesting maths challenges for older kids. More coming soon.

Rugby Acrostic Poem Printable 2

Rugby Acrostic Poem Printable 2

Help children brainstorm words for a 'rugby' acrostic poem and then they can choose one of our four versions of our rugby acrostic poem printable to present it on.

Rugby Acrostic Printable

Rugby Acrostic Printable

Use our Rugby Acrostic Printable in the classroom or at home to get the kids thinking and encourage some exciting acrostic poetry!

Rugby Ball Tracing

Rugby Ball Tracing

Here's some fun pencil control practice with a rugby theme! Kids can trace the outer edge of our rugby ball picture, and then colour the ball in.

Rugby Ball Writing Frame

Rugby Ball Writing Frame

Use this rugby ball writing frame for match reports, writing about the sport, recording details of the Rugby World Cup...

Rugby Counting 1

Rugby Counting 1

Here's the first of three rugby counting worksheets. Choose the level appropriate for your child, or work through them all.

Rugby Counting 2

Rugby Counting 2

Count up the rugby-themed pictures and write the number in the box. Fun for the Rugby World Cup perhaps?

Rugby Counting 3

Rugby Counting 3

Here's the third, and trickiest, of our rugby counting worksheets. Count up each type of picture carefully and write the correct numbers in the boxes.

Rugby Finger Tracing

Rugby Finger Tracing

Young rugby fans won't be too reluctant to practise their handwriting with this fun finger tracing worksheet and colouring page!

Rugby Handwriting Worksheet

Rugby Handwriting Worksheet

Young rugby fans will enjoy this fun handwriting worksheet, which gives them plenty of tracing practise before leaving space for their own attempts.

Rugby Kit Writing Frame

Rugby Kit Writing Frame

Here's a rugby kit writing frame printable that you can use for some creative writing, match reports etc.

Rugby match worksheet 1

Rugby Match Worksheet 1

Here's a fun rugby themed writing activity that might tempt even the most reluctant writer to have a go! We've provided 4 little pictures of scenes you might see in a rugby match. Can the kids explain what is happening?

Rugby match worksheet 2

Rugby Match Worksheet 2

Describe what is happening in each of these exciting rugby "scenes". Younger children could use 1 word - I'm thinking pass, tackle, run and try! Older kids can go into more detail.

Rugby match worksheet 3

Rugby Match Worksheet 3

Here are three more rugby match "scenes" for the kids to describe. What's happening in each picture? Rugby fans will enjoy the challenge but this set of worksheets is also fun for those new to the sport who are learning the rugby language.

Rugby Maths Problems

Rugby Maths Problems

Lean how to score in rugby, and use the principles to work out these maths problems! It makes for an interesting worksheet.

Rugby Player Profile

Rugby Player Profile

Pick a favourite player and fill in the blanks to create your own player profile. How about allocating all the players of your country's Rugby World Cup team to the class, then putting the finished profiles up on display for all to read?

Rugby Player Tracing Page

Rugby Player Tracing Page

Trace around the dotted lines of this rugby player tracing page, then colour it in. Lots of pencil practice involved!

Rugby Story Paper

Rugby Story Paper

Our rugby story paper is useful for kids writing match reports - but also fun for making up a rugby-based story, describing your favourite player etc.

Rugby Tracing Curves

Rugby Tracing Curves

Younger kids can practice their pencil control with this fun rugby tracing worksheet.

Rugby Tracing Lines

Rugby Tracing Lines

Pencil control comes with practice, and here's a fun way to practice with a rugby theme!

Rugby Tracing Picture

Rugby Tracing Picture

We've made this fun rugby tracing picture with the Rugby World Cup in mind, but it would be fun any time - and great for practising pencil control, too!

Rugby Word Cards

Rugby Word Cards

We've included every rugby word we could think of on this set of rugby word cards - you might not want to use them all, but they are there if you want them! There is also a page with three blank cards at the end of the pdf file if you want to add your own.

Rugby Tracing Worksheet

Rugby Word Tracing

Children will enjoy colouring in our funny rugby player and tracing over the word "rugby" beneath.

Rugby Writing Page

Rugby Writing Page

We have lots of sports writing pages on the website - and this one is rugby themed! Great for writing a school match report, or perhaps for recounting an exciting match that you take the kids to or watch on the television together...

Why I Love Rugby Writing Prompt

Why I Love Rugby Writing Prompt

This "Why I love Rugby" writing prompt is a great way to get sporty kids doing a bit of writing, and maybe they can draw a picture too...

More Rugby Activities for Kids

Rugby Puzzles
Rugby Puzzles

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