Sports A-Z


All our sports, by A-Z! We aim to have something available for every sport that your child is already playing - or is interested in trying out! In addition, we cover many of the sports that you will see in the Summer and Winter Olympics. For some of the more popular sports we have lots of great content already (Soccer, Rugby, Baseball etc) - while for others we are still in the process of building up. But please click around the links below and explore!

Sports A-Z

American Football for kids
American football fans will enjoy our selection of American football colouring pages and printables...
Archery for Kids
Archery is an ancient sport, going back many thousands of years to around 10,000-9,000 BC. Used for...
Athletics Theme for Kids
Athletics competitions date back to the Ancient Olympics in Greece. The term Athletics includes a...
Aussie Rules
Australian Rules Football, or Aussie Rules, is a sport with similarities to rugby and football, but...
Badminton Theme for Children
Badminton is a raquet sport played as a singles or doubles game in which the competitors hit the...
Baseball for Kids
Baseball is of course one of America's favourite sports, but it is also growing in popularity...
Basketball Theme for Kids
Basketball was invented in Massachusetts, in the USA, in the late 19th century. A PE instructor at...
Biathlon Colouring Pages and Printables for Kids
Biathlon is one of the official sports of the Winter Olympics, and combines cross-country skiing...
Bobsled colouring pages and printables for kids
Here are some fun bobsled colouring pages and printables for kids, perfect for the Winter Olympics...
Boxing Theme for Kids
Boxing was a sport in the Ancient Olympic Games, and it is still one of the sports in the Summer...
Have you paddled your own canoe? Once you've learned to stay upright and master the trick, it...
Cricket for Kids
Cricket fans will enjoy our cricket word search puzzle and colouring pages - one for younger...
Cycling Theme for Kids
Who doesn't remember that wonderful feeling the first time you ride your bike without training...
Curling printables and colouring pages for kids
Curling is particularly popular in Scotland and Canada. It is a team game, played on ice. Large...
Diving Theme for Kids
Competitive diving is one of the most popular sports at the Summer Olympics, and it's no wonder...
Equestrianism Theme for Kids
There are various equestrian events at the Summer Olympics which come under the title of...
Fencing Theme for Kids
Fencing is one of the Summer Olympics sporting events and many children are intrigued by this...
Golf Theme for Kids
Whether your child is showing an early interest in taking up golf or you are looking for an indoor...
Gymnastics Printables for Kids
Kids who are getting started out with gymnastics might enjoy our colouring pages showing some of...
Handball for Kids
Handball is a team sport, and is part of the Summer Olympics. Two teams of seven players each (...
Hockey for Kids
Hockey is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players. Players use a hockey stick and a...
Ice Hockey
Ice hockey is a team sport played on an ice rink. Players need to be very good skaters! They use...
Ice Skating
All children know that ice skating is fun! It's also a very competitive sport, with many...
Judo Theme for Kids
Judo is one of the martial arts, created in Japan in the late 19th century and now a sport which...
Lacrosse Theme for Kids
Lacrosse is a team sport that was originally played by Native Americans as long ago as AD1100. Now...
Lawn Bowls
As Lawn Bowls will be played in the Commonwealth Games, we have a new collection of colouring and...
Luge colouring pages and printables for kids
Here's a small collection of luge colouring pages and printables for kids, ready for the Winter...
Netball Theme for Kids
Netball dates back to the late 19th century and is played, mainly by women, all over the world,...
Para Powerlifting
Para powerlifting is an adaptoin of powerlifting to make is suitable for disabled athletes....
Rowing Theme for Kids
Whether you row for fun, or row for sport, or row to get fit, there's no doubt that rowing is...
Rugby Theme for Kids
Rugby union, known as rugby, is a contact team sport invented in England early in the 19th century...
Do the kids love sailing? Here's a collection of sailing resources that they can enjoy - for...
Scuba Diving Theme for Kids
Have you been lucky enough to try scuba diving? I don't expect many kids are! But if not, you...
Skiing Theme for Kids
Here are some fun printable activities with a skiing theme, perfect to take with you on a winter...
Shooting Printables for Kids
Shooting will be one of the sports in the Commonwealth Games in 2014. Scroll down for a collection...
Snowboarding Theme for Kids
OK, so snowboarding is cool! We know a few children who intend to be seriously good snowboarders...
Soccer for Kids
Children the world over are passionate about soccer (football), whether they are playing themselves...
Speed Skating for Kids
As it is one of the events of the Winter Olymipcs, we thought we had better have some speed skating...
Squash for Kids
Did you know that squash was invented at Harrow School? It's a fast racquet game with a squishy...
Sumo Wrestling
Sumo Wrestling is very popular in Japan. Two people wrestle in a ring, but, because it is a very...
Skeleton sled colouring pages and printables for kids
The skeleton is one of the fastest, scariest events at the Winter Olympics ... I think so, at least...
Surfing Theme for Kids
Did you know that surfing originated in the Polynesian islands many years ago? Surfing became part...
Ski Jumping printables and colouring pages
All ready for the Winter Olympics, here's our collection of ski jumping printables and...
Swimming Theme for Kids
Whether your children swim competitively or just for fun, whether they are accomplished swimmers...
Table Tennis Theme for Kids
Did you know that table tennis originated in England in the late 19th century as an after dinner...
Taekwondo Theme for Kids
Taekwondo was developed in Korea in the 1940s as a martial art and is now a combat sport which...
Tennis for kids
Tennis is a wonderful sport for kids. Quite apart from the physical benefits (fitness, flexibility...
Triathlon for Kids
Triathlon events were invented in the 1970s. As the name suggests, three sports are combined in to...
Volleyball Theme for Kids
Did you know that the earliest version of volleyball was called "mintonette"? It was...
Water Polo
Water polo is a fast-moving team sport which has recently been included in the Summer Olympics. If...
Weightlifting Theme for Kids
Weightlifting is a sport in the Summer Olymipcs. Contestants - both men and women - attempt two...
Wrestling Activities for Kids
If the kids are wrestling fans, or you are looking at wrestling as part of a sporting event like...
Yoga for Kids
There are so many benefits to practising yoga with the kids. It strenghtens, stretches, invigorates...

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