

Sheep are kept all over the world to provide wool and food, but are particularly associated with Australia, New Zealand and, within the British Isles, Wales. Sheep are a farm animal known for their warm fleece that can be used to make wool. We have lots of sheep themed activities for your kids to enjoy!

Sheep activities for kids

Scroll down for our collection of sheep activities for kids - including a collection of sheep and lamb colouring pages, some lovely sheep crafts, and fun sheep printables for classroom and home.

Baa baa black sheep
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full.
One for the master,
One for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.

Fun fact: There are over 1 billion sheep in the world. So we should all be ok for woolly jumpers!

Our Sheep Activities

Sheep Colouring Pages
Lots NEW! Here's a collection of sheep colouring pages to print for all ages, including a sheep...
Sheep Crafts
Our sheep craft ideas are a great way to encourage the children to be creative, whether you want an...
Sheep Printables
Fun printables for kids with a sheep theme! We've got posters and lacing cards for younger...
Sheep Worksheets
These fun worksheets are all based on sheep - and will help make learning fun for the kids. Write...

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