Useful for a library of country fact files or for a lapbook here are two Trinidad and Tobago booklets for you to print and use. Trinidad and Tobago booklet - blank - Log in or Become a Member to downloadTrinidad and Tobago booklet - lined - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageTopicsAround the WorldNorth AmericaTrinidad and TobagoFlagsFlag Booklets
Trinidad and Tobago Notebooking Page Reasearch the country of Trinidad and Tobago and choose from one of our two notebooking pages to display your work.
Trinidad and Tobago Flag Printable The distictive red and black of the flag of Trinidad and Tobago features on this handy flag printable.
Trinidad and Tobago Flag Jigsaw If you are lucky enough to visit Trinidad and Tobago you could take along this jigsaw for 5 minutes peace on the flight. It can be enjoyed anywhere though. Cutting guides can be found here.