

We hope you'll find some useful printables in this vocabulary section. We've got word cards and larger flash cards to help beginners with learning high frequency words, word mats and bookmarks, word art, plenty of fun worksheets for vocabulary extension, and lots more!

Vocabulary Printables by Type

High Frequency Words
When children are learning to read, the more fluent they become with the more common words, the...
Labelling Worksheets
Our labelling worksheets are a fun way to practise vocabulary by topic, season or holiday and come...
Spelling Jigsaws
These fun spelling jigsaws take moments to print and cut up, and provide an easy self-correcting...
Synonym Posters
Developing a good vocabulary gives children confidence in speaking and writing, and a good place to...
Vocabulary Worksheets
Get to grips with synonyms (and antonyms) with the help of these fun, colourful illustrated...
Vocabulary Extension
We've got big plans for this section, but it's early days yet! We are starting with a set...
Vocab Busters! Vocabulary resources for primary-aged children
It's time to learn some new words with Activity Village's vocabulary-extending programme -...
Vocabulary Dice
These vocabulary dice cover many of the topics and holidays that we feature here at Activity...
Vocabulary Flash Cards
We are building up a really comprehensive collection of our vocabulary flash cards, which we've...
Vocabulary Matching Cards
There are many ways you can use our fun vocabulary matching cards. I've suggested a few below...
Word Art
Have some fun with expressive words - onomatopoeic and otherwise - with our new word art printables...
Printable Word Bookmarks
Our "word" bookmarks are really special! Scroll down for all sorts of interesting words:...
Word Card Sets
You'll find useful sets of word cards here, some with pictures and some without, some themed...
Word Mats
Our free printable word mats are a fun way to introduce and reinforce vocabulary by season,...

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