

We have had many requests over the years for a set of printables that you can use with the children either in the run up to a wedding, or to keep kids entertained on the day, with a weddings theme. So ... here comes the bride, Activity Village style!

Here you will find a huge collection of wedding colouring pages (for all ages from young to old), wedding puzzles to keep kids busy, and a lovely collection of wedding printables including bride and groom paper dolls, posters, cards, jigsaws, lacing cards and writing paper, all ready to print and use! Print out a "pack" for each of the children attending your wedding, scatter pages on tables to keep guests amused, or just have them to hand in case little kids need some extra entertainment.

Wedding Colouring Pages
We've got wedding colouring pages for all ages here, from your youngest children to your oldest...
Wedding Colouring Cards
There is something very special about getting a hand-made or hand-coloured card, and as a wedding...
Wedding Paper Dolls
Here are no less than ten gorgeous printable paper dolls - 5 brides and 5 grooms - that we think...
Wedding Puzzles
Keep the kids - and some of the adults, no doubt - entertained at a wedding with this fun...
Wedding Mazes
Our printable wedding mazes are a great way to keep kids amused while the adults enjoy speeches,...
Wedding Acrostic Poem Printables
Our wedding acrostic poem printables can be used not only for writing acrostic poems but also as...
Wedding Cards
Sometimes you just need a quick card that you can print, write and send - so here is our collection...
Wedding Jigsaws
Our printable wedding jigsaws make a cute and unusual little activity for keeping kids busy on the...
Wedding Lacing Cards
These wedding lacing cards are perfect for little kids, who will enjoy threading the holes with...
Wedding Posters
Use these lovely posters to adorn the walls for a bridal shower, show guests where to place their...
Wedding Writing Paper
Our wedding writing paper and story paper can be used in all sorts of ways by the kids - and...
Learn to Draw Wedding Pictures
Here's something special for your wedding activity packs! Children can follow along with our...

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