Just for fun, we've filled up this kangaroo outline with the Australian flag. You could cut it out and use it to decorate the classroom, or a project - or even make some kangaroo bunting! Australia flag kangaroo - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZKangaroosKangaroo PrintablesAround the WorldOceaniaAustraliaAustralia Flag Printables
Kangaroo Scene Story Paper Children can make up a fun story using our kangaroo colouring picture as inspiration - or perhaps just describe what they see in the picture.
Kangaroo Worksheet Children will need to find out a few simple facts about the kangaroo to fill in this fun worksheet, available in either colour or black and white.
Kangaroo Word Tracing Younger children can learn to write the letters of "kangaroo" with this lovely worksheet, complete with colouring page.