Broomstick Bookmark


This cute broomstick bookmark can be left plain or personalised with a name, initials or short message. We've used stick foam letters but of course you can use stickers or write your message yourself. The bookmark is perfect for Halloween or for a Harry Potter theme.

Broomstick bookmark

You will need:

A wide popsicle stick (craft stick)
Brown craft foam
Cord or string
Sticky foam letters



Cut out from the craft foam a shape like the one below.

Broomstick bookmark illustration

Cut nips in the wider end so they form the bristles of your broomstick.

Glue the foam to the craft stick so the bristles stick out over the end.

Tie a small piece of string around the narrowest part of the foam and trim the ends. Little kids might need some help with this.

Use foam letters or other methods to add a name to the broom handle.


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