Butterfly Worksheets


Lots New! Whether it is handwriting practice, writing prompts or symmetry worksheets you are after, you'll find them all in our butterfly worksheets collection - and many more besides.

British Butterflies Flashcards

British Butterflies Flashcards

These butterfly flashcard blanks are a great starting point for a butterfly research project. We have taken the 10 most common British butterflies. Ask the kids to draw a picture of the butterfly and fill in the information to create their own lovely flashcards.

Butterflies and Moths Venn

Butterflies and Moths Venn

Use the information you have gathered about the differences between butterflies and moths to make a Venn diagram.

Butterflies Fact vs Fiction

Butterflies Fact vs Fiction

Sort out the fact cards from the fiction cards with a bit of cut and paste! We've got lots of interesting facts for the kids to read - and some fun ones too, which might go in the fiction container!  

Butterflies Scene Story Paper

Butterflies Scene Story Paper

Colour in this beautifly butterflies scene picture and use the lines to write a story or a piece of descriptive writing describing the scene.

Butterfly Acrostic Poem Printable

Butterfly Acrostic Poem Printable

Use this pretty acrostic paper to inspire an acrostic poem for the word BUTTERFLY - a little challenging, perhaps? Four versions available below.

Butterfly Caterpillar Partitioning 1

Butterfly Caterpillar Partitioning 1

Here's a fun way to introduce the children to partioning numbers (hundreds, tens and units) - with butterflies and caterpillars! There are 3 pages with 12 questions in the pack, to which we have provided one answer an an example.

Butterfly Caterpillar Partitioning 2

Butterfly Caterpillar Partitioning 2

Partition numbers in their 1000s with the help of these cheeky butterflies and caterpillars! There are 12 questions in this pack, and we've done the first to show the kids how it works.

Butterfly Colour Match Worksheet

Butterfly Colour Match Worksheet

Here's a fun way to test if the children know their colour words! Can they draw a line from each beautiful butterfly to the correct colour word?

Butterfly Colour Matching Cards

Butterfly Colour Matching Cards

These bright and cheerful butterfly colour matching cards are the perfect way to help the kids learn to recognise colours. Print and cut out each card, then cut in half. Mix them all up then ask the children to match each colour word to the correct butterfly.

Butterfly Coordinate Picture

Butterfly Coordinate Picture

Here's a mystery picture worksheet that will give the kids plenty of practice with coordinates! Don't tell them what to expect so that they can reveal the picture as they plot the points.

Butterfly Coordinate Picture 2

Butterfly Coordinate Picture 2

Challenge the kids to plot the points in this coordinate picture with 2 quadrants, to reveal an interesting picture. Although we've had to name the pdf file, it would be better not to let the kids know what they will find!

Butterfly Coordinate Picture 3

Butterfly Coordinate Picture 3

This challenging coordinate picture is based on 4 quadrants. Don't tell the kids what they are plotting so that they can reveal the mystery picture with their work.

Butterfly Coordinates

Butterfly Coordinates

Butterfly coordinates! Write down coordinates, plot shapes, translate shapes ... this worksheet provides a real workout!

Butterfly Count the Spots

Butterfly Count the Spots

This worksheet asks children to count the spots on the butterfly - first as a whole, and then wing by wing. It then asks whether the children notice anything. Use it as a starting point to discuss symmetry and doubling, perhaps.

Butterfly Count the Spots 2

Butterfly Count the Spots 2

Here's a simple activity for children learning to count up to 20. Count the spots! We have both colour and black and white versions of this page.

Butterfly Cutting Practice

Butterfly Cutting Practice

We've got four pretty butterflies on this printable for your children to cut towards, following along the dotted lines as carefully as they can!

Butterfly Cutting Shapes

Butterfly Cutting Shapes

Here are four pretty butterlies for the kids to cut out, carefully following the dotted lines. Why not hang them up to make a mobile, glue them to straws and peg into the soil of houseplants, or drop them from a curtain rail?

Butterfly Double the Spots Blank

Butterfly Double the Spots Blank

Use this blank sheet to practise doubling. You could laminate the page and use it with a set of counters and a dry wipe pen, leaving your child to work by themselves or perhaps filling in one of the boxes yourself and asking them to work out how to fill the rest.

Butterfly Double the Spots Worksheets to 20

Butterfly Double the Spots Worksheets to 20

Each of the pages in this pdf file contains one doubling problem for children to solve - a perfect way to get kids started. Count the existing spots, draw the same number again, and then write the sum underneath.

Butterfly Doubling to 10 Worksheet

Butterfly Doubling to 10 Worksheet

Learn to double 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 with this colourful butterfly worksheet. Counting the dots first on the left and then on the right will help them to understand.

Butterfly Finger Tracing

Butterfly Finger Tracing

Learning how to form letters properly is crucial, and our finger tracing worksheets are designed to help. Here's one featuring the butterfly...

Butterfly Life Cycle Cloze

Butterfly Life Cycle Cloze

This butterfly lifecycle cloze worksheet is an interesting way to learn a little more about the life cycle of these fascinating minibeasts. We've provided a number of words to be used to fill in the blanks.

Butterfly Life Cycle Matching Worksheet

Butterfly Life Cycle Matching Worksheet

Can the kids match the pictures to the descriptions and put them in order too on this butterfly life cycle matching worksheet? Choose from our colour version or black and white which they can colour in themselves...

Butterfly Life Cycle Notebooking Pages

Butterfly Life Cycle Notebooking Pages

Notebooking is a great way of recording what you know about a topic! We have two versions of each of our butterfly lifecycle notebooking pages - one with space for a drawing, the other lined throughout.

Butterfly Life Cycle Sequencing Worksheet

Butterfly Life Cycle Sequencing Worksheet

Can the kids complete the life cycle of a butterfly using the pictures provided? They need to cut out each picture, arrange in the correct order then glue in place.

Butterfly Life Cycle Story Paper

Butterfly Life Cycle Story Paper

This story paper shows the stages of a butterfly's life cycle. Ask children to describe the stages and colour the picture or use as a creative writing prompt.

Butterfly Life Cycle Story Paper - Blank

Butterfly Life Cycle Story Paper - Blank

This butterfly life cycle story paper comes in black and white or colour, and lined or with handwriting lines. There are no labels on the picture, so can the kids describe the life cycle process themselves.

Butterfly Life Cycle Story Paper Set - Labelled

Butterfly Life Cycle Story Paper Set - Labelled

To grow into an adult, a butterfly goes through 4 stages: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly. We have a story paper for each stage in this set, with lots of room to write down notes.

Butterfly Matching Numerals Cards

Butterfly Matching Numerals Cards

Count the pictures - all caterpillars and butterflies - and match to the right number card. Alternatively, fold the cards in half down the centre and glue back to back to form double-sided flash cards.

Butterfly Maths Facts Colouring Page

Butterfly Maths Facts Colouring Page

This is one of our trickier maths facts colouring pages, but the kids will be rewarded with a beautiful butterfly if they solve the sums correctly.

Butterfly Notebooking Page

Butterfly Notebooking Page

Use this notebooking page when you are learning about the butterfly, to record your notes or keep track of sightings.

Butterfly Odd and Even Numbers

Butterfly Odd and Even Numbers

Can you put the odd and even numbers onto the correct side of the butterfly? For this worksheet we are using numbers 1 to 20.

Butterfly Odd and Even Numbers 2

Butterfly Odd and Even Numbers 2

This worksheet asks children to sort the odd and even numbers each onto one side of the butterfly, working with numbers up to 100.

Butterfly Pictogram Worksheet

Butterfly Pictogram Worksheet

This pictogram worksheet shows the number of butterflies we counted over the summer, sorted by colour. We ask children to study the pictogram, paying attention to the key, and then answer the questions below.

Butterfly Pictogram Worksheet 2

Butterfly Pictogram Worksheet 2

This interesting worksheet asks children to study the pictogram and its and then answer the questions below. It features half and quarter butterflies!

Butterfly Picture Comprehension

Butterfly Picture Comprehension

Look at the fun picture of butterflies and then answer the simple questions below. We've also asked children to write the first line of a story based on the picture, to get their imaginations going!

Butterfly Read and Colour 2

Butterfly Read and Colour 2

Read the instructions and then colour in the butterfly just how they say. This is a fun way to test reading comprehension.

Butterfly Shape Match Up

Butterfly Shape Match Up

For this pretty worksheet, we've taken the first 4 shapes that children learn, turned them into flowers and provided butterflies and a caterpillar with shape preferences for the children to match up!

Butterfly Shape Poetry

Butterfly Shape Poetry

This worksheet asks children to write a shape poem about a butterfly or butterflies, using the shape to form and enhance the poetry. We provide some ideas on the worksheet.

Butterfly Skip Counting 2s

Butterfly Skip Counting 2s

Skip count your way across the grid by 2s, to help the butterfly find a leaf on which to lay her eggs.

Butterfly Species Fact vs Fiction

Butterfly Species Fact vs Fiction

We've had fun making up some species of butterfly - so that the kids can decide whether the names we've provided are fact or fiction! Cut and paste to complete the worksheet.

Butterfly Statistics Worksheet

Butterfly Statistics Worksheet

This worksheet asks children to look at a table recording the butterfly-spotting antics of 4 friends competing for a big prize, and answers some questions on what they see.

Butterfly Statistics Worksheet 2

Butterfly Statistics Worksheet 2

This pie chart worksheet asks children to work out the percentage of butterflies spotted of each colour out of a total of 200, then answer a series of questions.

Butterfly Story Paper

Butterfly Story Paper

Here is some pretty butterfly story paper for younger kids. Write a story or poem, or perhaps use the paper for handwriting practice or copywork...

Butterfly Story Starter

Butterfly Story Starter

If I could fly like a butterfly ...

What would the kids do if they could fly like a butterfly? Use this simple story starter page to find out.

Butterfly Story Starter 2

Butterfly Story Starter 2

What happens next in this story? We've worded it so that kids can take it in many different directions, and it will be fun to see what they come up with.

Butterfly symmetry worksheet

Butterfly Symmetry Worksheet

Butterflies, with their pairs of wings, lend themselves to symmetry practice. Can children reflect and copy the details on the wings to complete the butterfly?

Butterfly Tracing Pages

Butterfly Tracing Pages

There are four lovely butterflies to trace in this pack - fun to do, and great for pencil control too. Unlike our usual tracing pages, we've gone colourful with this collection! Children can trace in the same colour, or ignore ours and use whatever colour they like!

Butterfly Word Tracing

Butterfly Word Tracing

This pretty butterfly word tracing worksheet is a lovely way to practise letters with the kids!

Butterfly Worksheet

Butterfly Worksheet

Our butterfly worksheet would be a fun activitiy on a summer walk or a visit to a butterfly house where children can observe these beautiful minibeasts.  

Caterpillar Measuring Worksheet

Caterpillar Measuring Worksheet

Measure our cute little caterpillars with a ruler, and write down your answer. This is a fun worksheet for children learning to measure, and you could use it with a caterpillar / butterfly project.

Colour and Count Butterflies

Colour and Count Butterflies

Colour the butterflies according to their first letter sound, and then count up the pictures beginning with each sound too. The page is themed around caterpillars and butterflies.

Colour Number Bonds to 10

Colour Number Bonds to 10

Colour the pairs of butterflies to make 10. This worksheet is a cute activity for children who are just starting on number bonds to 10. We have similar pages for 20, 30 and 50 too.

Colour Number Bonds to 30

Colour Number Bonds to 30

Colour the pairs of butterflies to make 30. You can't have too much practice with number bonds - so we've provided 2 pages in this worksheet set. We have similar pages for 10, 20 and 50 too.

Colour Number Bonds to 50

Colour Number Bonds to 50

Colour the pairs of butterflies to make 50. If children can master number bonds, so much maths and mental maths becomes easier in future! We have similar pages for 10, 20 and 30 too.

Colour Place Value 2

Colour Place Value 2

Colour the butterflies according to the key - looking for a specific number in a specific place. This is a simple first worksheet for practising place value.

Colour Place Value 3

Colour Place Value 3

This worksheet gives children practice at recognising hundreds, tens and "ones" or units. Colouring butterflies makes it fun!

Colour Place Value 4

Colour Place Value 4

Here's a challenge to help the kids recognise place value of "ones" or units, tens, hundreds and thousands. Colour in the butterflies according to the key.

Colour Place Value 5

Colour Place Value 5

We've thrown in a decimal place to this place value worksheet, just to keep the kids on their toes. Colour the butterflies according to the key!

Complete The Butterfly 2

Complete The Butterfly 2

This colourful activity is a great way for the kids to practise their drawing and concentrations skills, and learn about symmetry too. Can they complete each butterfly picture by drawing an exact reflection? We've got 2 sets to choose one, one with a grid to make the task a little easier.

Match Butterfly Decimal to Percentage

Match Butterfly Decimal to Percentage

Match the decimal butterflies to the correct percentage butterflies! There are 4 pages to this worksheet, providing plenty of practice for the kids.

To A Butterfly Poem Printable

To A Butterfly Poem Printable

William Wordsworth's poem, To A Butterfly, is a lovely one to read with the children. Here is a pretty printable version.

Trace the Letters Worksheet B and C

Trace the Letters Worksheet B and C

This simple worksheet provides practice of writing letters b and c, for butterfly and caterpillar - perfect for a spring or summer or minibeasts theme.

More Butterfly Activities

Butterfly Games
Butterfly Games

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