Christmas Finger Tracing


These Christmas finger tracing worksheets are designed for children who are just learning their letters. Start by tracing over the letters with your child's forefinger. Then let them have a go. When they are confident, use a pencil or crayon to trace the letters, and colour in the picture. Alternatively, colour the picture first and then laminate the worksheet. Then you can trace the letters over and over with a dry-wipe pen.

Advent Finger Tracing

Advent Finger Tracing

Use your child's forefinger to trace the letters of the word advent, then trace them again with a pen. It's a good way to learn the spelling, and they can colour in the lovely illustration too.

Angel Finger Tracing

Angel Finger Tracing

Here's a fun handwriting worksheet for early learners, who can finger trace the letters of the word "angel" before colouring in our picture. When they are more confident they can trace the letters with a pencil or pen.

Baby Jesus Finger Tracing

Baby Jesus Finger Tracing

The youngest children can have fun with this Nativity worksheet, by finger tracing over the letters spelling out "Baby Jesus".

Bauble Finger Tracing

Bauble Finger Tracing

In England we decorate our Christmas trees with Christmas "baubles" - a word that I don't think is used anywhere else! Here's a finger tracing worksheet for kids to practice their handwriting with.

Candle Finger Tracing

Candle Finger Tracing

Here's a good handwriting worksheet for beginners, who can finger trace over the letters in "candle" before colouring in the picture.

Candy Cane Finger Tracing

Candy Cane Finger Tracing

Use this Christmas handwriting worksheet with beginner writers. Finger trace the letters of "candy cane", starting each letter on the dots, and then try it with a pencil.

Christmas Finger Tracing

Christmas Finger Tracing

Here's a fun way to learn to spell the word Christmas - by finger tracing and then tracing over our large letters, and colouring in Father Christmas too!

Christmas Tree Finger Tracing

Christmas Tree Finger Tracing

Finger trace the letters of the words "Christmas Tree" and colour in the picture. It's a fun worksheet to use in the weeks before Christmas...

Cracker Finger Tracing

Cracker Finger Tracing

Here's a finger tracing worksheet for the word "cracker" - without which Christmas dinner would be a much quieter affair!

Decorations Finger Tracing

Decorations Finger Tracing

Here's a good way to start the kids off with some handwriting practice in the run up to Christmas. Finger trace the letters of "decorations", then use a pencil or pen to trace them again. And of course there's a picture to colour in too.

Elf Finger Tracing

Elf Finger Tracing

Give the kids some practice writing the letters e, l and f and teach them how to spell the word ELF for Christmas!

Gift Finger Tracing

Gift Finger Tracing

Use this fun finger tracing worksheet at Christmas or any time of the year to teach the children how to write the word "gift" and give them practice forming the letters correctly.

Gingerbread Finger Tracing

Gingerbread Finger Tracing

Gingerbread is part of Christmas these days, and it's a challenging word to write with lots of letter practice. Make learning the word fun with our finger tracing worksheet.

Holly Finger Tracing

Holly Finger Tracing

Here's our finger tracing worksheet for Christmas holly, complete with picture to colour in. Place your child's forefinger on the dot and trace the letters.

Joseph Finger Tracing

Joseph Finger Tracing

Kids can begin to learn the write the name Joseph by tracing over our letters, starting at the dot. Colour in the picture, too.

Mary Finger Tracing

Mary Finger Tracing

Younger children can learn how to spell the word Mary, ready for Christmas and the Nativity story, then colour in our pretty picture.

Poinsettia Finger Tracing

Poinsettia Finger Tracing

Finger tracing is a great way for children to get the feel of letter shapes as they begin to start writing. After tracing the letters with a finger on our poinsettia finger tracing worksheet they could try using a pencil and staying between the lines.

Reindeer Finger Tracing

Reindeer Finger Tracing

Get some handwriting practice in with this fun reindeer finger tracing worksheet. And of course we've provided a lovely picture to colour in as incentive!

Robin Finger Tracing

Robin Finger Tracing

Younger children can trace the letters of the word "robin" then colour in the cute picture. It's a fun worksheet in the winter, at Christmas, or any time. Make sure to colour that robin's breast red!

Rudolph Finger Tracing

Rudolph Finger Tracing

Here's a lovely Christmas worksheet which the kids will enjoy! Finger trace the word "Rudolph" - everyone's favourite reindeer - and then colour him in. Don't forget his red nose!

Santa Claus Finger Tracing

Santa Claus Finger Tracing

Trace over the letters of Santa Claus, first with a finger and then with a pencil. Fun handwriting practice for the Christmas classroom!

Shepherd Finger Tracing

Shepherd Finger Tracing

Start children off with this shepherd finger tracing worksheet. It's a fun way to practise handwriting while learning about the Nativity story as Christmas draws near...

Stocking Finger Tracing

Stocking Finger Tracing

Younger children can practise their letters at Christmas with this fun stocking finger tracing worksheet. Start on the dots and trace each letter, first with a forefinger and then with a pencil.

Wise Man Finger Tracing

Wise Man Finger Tracing

Start with this "wise man" finger tracing worksheet when you are practising handwriting and learning about the Nativity story, too. Children will enjoy colouring in one of the three kings, or wise men.

Wreath Finger Tracing

Wreath Finger Tracing

Here's a finger tracing worksheet for the Christmas classroom, featuring the word "wreath" - tricky, with its silent W!

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