Monkey Puzzles


Here are some fun monkey puzzles for your monkey or African Animal or Year of the Monkey topic! Just print and enjoy with the children...

Chimpanzee Dot To Dot

Chimpanzee Dot To Dot

Children need to follow the numbers 1 to 15 to complete the outline of this cheeky chimpanzee! They can colour in the completed picture too if they like...

Chimpanzee Grid Copy

Chimpanzee Grid Copy

This is a fun way to learn to draw a chimpanzee, also useful for practising counting, copying skills and pencil control. Copy the chimpanzee from the grid on the left to the grid on the right, square by square.

Complete the Monkey Picture Puzzle

Complete the Monkey Picture Puzzle

This printable is a mixture between a puzzle and a drawing activity! The challenge for the kids is to complete the picture of the monkey on the left by filling in the missing parts with reference to the monkey on the right.

How Many Monkeys Word Search

How Many Monkeys Word Search

How many times can you find the word "monkey" in this word search puzzle? Look for vertical, horizontal and diagonal words, but none backwards.

Match the Monkey Puzzle

Match the Monkey Puzzle

Match up the monkey pairs and find the odd monkey out! This is a fun puzzle for Chinese New Year or any time!

Monkey Dot to Dot

Monkey Dot to Dot

We've aimed this funny monkey dot to dot at younger children, learning to recognise the numbers to 10. Draw the monkey's tummy but joining them up!

Monkey Grid Copy

Monkey Grid Copy

Here's a fun challenge! Can the kids copy the monkey on the left into the grid on the right? Working square by square can be the best way to tackle it, but you will need to do some careful counting and copying...

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Monkey Printables
Monkey Printables

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