

Learn some interesting facts about the Caribbean island of Montserrat, and enjoy our collection of flag printables and colouring page.

Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat
Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat

  • Montserrat is a British overseas territory in the Caribbean. The island is less than 10 miles long and 7 miles wide, and is known as the Emerald Isle of the Caribbean because of its lush greenery, helping it resemble the Irish coast, and the Irish ancestry or many of its inhabitants.
  • Christopher Columbus named Montserrat after the Monastery of Montserrat in Catalonia, Spain. In the 17th Century the island came under British control and many Irish convicts and political exiles were sent there to settle. Sugar cane, cotton and rum grown on large plantations with the help of African slaves.
  • In 1995 the volcano Soufriere Hills erupted, wiping out the nearby capital, Plymouth. Two thirds of the island were forced to flee, and there is still, now, an exclusion zone around the volcano. A new town and port is being built in the north of the island, at Little Bay.

About the Montserrat Flag

Montserrat Flag Printables

As with many of the British overseas territories, the flag of Montserrat has a Union flag in to the top left corner on a blue field, with the Montserrat coat of arms towards the right.

Our Montserrat Resources

Montserrat Booklet

Montserrat Booklet

Our Monserrat booklet could be included in a lapbook on volcanoes or a Caribbean project. Folding instructions can be found here.

Montserrat Bookmarks

Montserrat Bookmarks

Printing 5 to a page we have 4 varieties of bookmork celebrating the island of Monserrat.

Montserrat Flag Jigsaw

Montserrat Flag Jigsaw

A fun way to learn different flags is with our printable jigsaws, this one features the flag of Monserrat. A guide to help you cut the jigsaw can be found here.  

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