Quotation Booklets


There are so many different ways to use these lovely quotation booklets. Our origami booklets slip nicely in a bag or pocket for making notes when out and about. These quotation booklets feature our beautiful colouring images of inspiring messages, great for when you need a bit of a pick me up. They would be lovely coloured and slipped in to a card as a small gift. 

I Must Have Flowers Booklet

I Must Have Flowers Booklet

This fabulous "I must have flowers" booklet is perfect for flower studies, gardening notes or for anything you want to write down. And you can colour in the front cover for fun, too.

Let Your Ideas Bloom Booklet

Let Your Ideas Bloom Booklet

Booklets are a trusty place to scribble ideas and inspiration, and this "let your ideas bloom" booklet is ideal for gardeners! Fold using the instructions found here.

No Matter How Long The Winter Booklet

No Matter How Long The Winter Booklet

While you wait for winter to end and spring to arrive, why not use this lovely little booklet to write down your plans for the warmer weather and light nights to come? Colour in the front page, and fold using our instructions.

Spring Is In The Air Booklet

Spring Is In The Air Booklet

Spring is a great time to gather thoughts and plan ahead, and you can use this fun little booklet to write everything down. Fold using the instructions found here.

The Earth Laughs In Flowers Booklet

The Earth Laughs In Flowers Booklet

Gardening tips, quotes, stories - you can write down anything you like in this gorgeous "The earth laughs in flowers" booklet. To fold your booklet, follow the instructions found here.

Unless Someone Like You Booklet

Unless Someone Like You Booklet

We've put the famous "Unless someone like you..." quote from The Lorax on the front of this handy booklet, and left it black and white so you can colour it in yourself.

With Freedom, Books, Flowers Booklet

With Freedom, Books, Flowers Booklet

"With freedom, books, flowers and the moon who could not be happy?". This small booklet is perfect for book reviews, lists and writing projects! You'll need our booklet folding instructions found here.

More Quotation Resources...

Quotation Bookmarks
Quotation Bookmarks

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