SLH Week 1 Seaside


Welcome to our brand new Summer Learning Hub - it's first week! This week all our activities are themed around the Seaside - and we've got so much new to explore, sorted by age and stage. But don't feel that you have to keep within your child's school year - there's plenty more in other years that they are sure to enjoy!

Summer Learning Hub Week 1 Seaside

Early Years Week 1
It's Week 1 of our Summer Learning Hub, and this week's theme is the Seaside! Below you...
Reception Summer Learning Hub Week 1 - The Seaside
Welcome to Week 1's Summer Learning Hub for Reception children, with a Seaside theme! We've...
Year 1 Summer Learning Hub Week 1 - The Seaside
Here are our Week 1 activities for Year 1 children, all on a fun Seaside theme! We've chosen a...
Year 2 Summer Learning Hub Week 1 - The Seaside
It's time for some Seaside fun! Find a selection of activities appropriate for Year 2 kids...
Year 3 Summer Learning Hub Week 1 - The Seaside
Have some fun with Week 1's curated activities for Year 3 - all on a Seaside theme. Explore...
Year 4 Summer Learning Hub Week 1 - The Seaside
This is Week 1 of our Summer Learning Hub for Year 4 kids, and we've got lots of fun Seaside-...
Year 5 Summer Learning Hub Week 1 - The Seaside
Welcome to Week 1 of our Summer Learning Hub activities for Year 5. There's plenty to do here...
Year 6 Summer Learning Hub Week 1 - The Seaside
Here you will find a selection of Seaside themed activities for children who just completed Year 6...

More Seaside Activities


More Summer Fun


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