

Vaisakhi (also known as Baisakhi, Vaishakhi, or Vasakhi) is the harvest and new year festival of the Punjab region. The day is celebrated on 13th or 14th April with bright new clothes, singing and dancing (see Bhangra below) and going to Vaisahki fairs.

Vaisakhi Activities for Kids

Vaisakhi next falls on 14th April 2025.

Vaisakhi is particularly important to Sikhs. In 1699, the 10th Guru of the Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh laid the foundation for the collective faith of Sikhism on Vaisakhi, when he established the Khalsa (see video below). For Sikhs the day is marked by an early visit to the Gurdwara (Sikh place of worship and community building), which is decorated with flowers and offerings, processions through the streets, singing and chanting of hymns and scriptures, dancing, and evening meals with the family.

History of Vaisakhi

Vaisakhi was a long established harvest festival in the Punjab region - now in north India, close to the Pakistan border. In 1699, Guru Gobind Singh used the excuse of Vaisakhi to gather together tens of thousands of Sikhs.


Learn to dance some Bhangra steps by following along with this video. Bhangra is traditional folk-dancing from the Punjab region associated with the harvest.

Watch a dance, then learn the individual steps and try it yourselves!


Singh, the surname given to every Sikh man on Vaisakhi in 1699, means Lion. Why not explore some of our lion activities?



Vaisakhi has traditionally been a time that children made their own kites and flew them. Why not have a go at making your own? Or, if that it too much hard work, how about colouring in a kite? We've got kites of all colours to colour in here but you might like to choose the orange one, as saffron or orange play a large part in Vaisakhi celebrations.

Our Vaisakhi Activities for Children

Bhangra Dance Colouring Page

Bhangra Dance Colouring Page

Colour this picture of a boy and girl enjoying some bhangra dancing for Vaisakhi in bright, cheerful colours!

Happy Vaisakhi Colouring Page

Happy Vaisakhi Colouring Page

This pretty Happy Vaisakhi colouring page features many of the symbols of this holiday - including wheat for the harvest and the drum for dancing.

Vaisakhi Sensory Poem Planning Sheet

Vaisakhi Sensory Poem Planning Sheet

Vaisakhi is often celebrated with a lot of singing, but what else would your senses experience during the festival? Use this sensory poem planning sheet as a guide to help you write a Vaisakhi poem.

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