Print out this word art story paper to inspire some creative writing which incorporates that lovely, onomatopoeic word WHOOSH into it. Kids can also have fun colouring in the word art picture.
What pops? Kids can brainstorm some ideas before starting to write an interesting story which includes the word – or the sound – POP! This fun story paper also has a word art colouring page to inspire and entertain them.
How can the kids incorporate the word "phase" into their story? There are a number of ways that we can think of – perhaps a fizzy drink or a fizzy firework! Choose from 2 versions of our story paper, and don't forget to suggest that they colour in the picture too.
Fires crackle, fireworks crackle, old clothes crackle, old pieces of paper might crackle… There are all sorts of ways that a story incorporating the word "crackle" could go! Print out this story paper to find out what your child will come up with.