Birthday Candle Menorah


Most of us have some birthday candles lying around the house ... so here is a fun craft to turn them into a Menorah for Hanukkah which children of all ages will be able to enjoy

Birthday Candle Menorah Craft

You will need:

9 birthday candles and holders
Air drying clay
Acrylic paints


From the clay make a cuboid about 6 inches (15cm) long and 3/4 inch (1 1/2cm) tall and wide. Make a small cube and put this on top of your cuboid in the centre.

Take your candle holders and press them into the clay, one in the centre cube and four on either side. Leave your clay to harden.

When the clay has hardened, paint your Menorah with acrylic paints. Put your candles in the holders.

NB: Make sure your menorah is standing on a heatproof surface before you light the candles! And please supervise children at all times when the candles are lit.


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