Fact Families to 10


Much of the previous work children have done with number bonds, addition within 10 and subtraction within 10 will have pointed to this section on Fact Families and many children will therefore find fact families easy to grasp.

A fact family is a group of maths facts that use the same numbers. Here we are going to be looking at addition / subtraction families using 3 numbers that add up to no more than 10.

For the fact family using the numbers 2, 3 and 5:

  • Children will know that 2 + 3 = 5.
  • They have also learned that 3 + 2 = 5.
  • They have used their knowledge of number bonds to confirm that 5 - 3 = 2.
  • And of course that 5 - 2 = 3.

Learning Fact Families

  • Two colours. Find counters or other small manipulatives in 2 colours; you will need 10 of each. Put a combination of counters out in front of your child, making sure that the numbers are different (5 red and 4 blue counters is fine but 4 red and 4 blue counters is not). The different colours will help your child visualise the relationship between the numbers. Ask your child how many counters there are altogether. Now talk through the addition sums: "5 counters and 4 counters make 9 counters altogether" and the other way round, "4 counters and 5 counters make 9 counters altogether." Now talk through the subtraction sums: "If we have 9 counters and take 4 counters away, we are left with 5 counters" and "If we have 9 counters and take 5 away, we have 4 left". We have a set of posters in the Resources section below that uses two colours in this way.
  • Hands on practice. Gather 10 small objects or manipulatives and 3 containers or paper plates, or use one of our Make A Fact Family Mats (blank or numbered) from the Resources section below. Start by putting a number of objects on the big circle (say 5) and dividing them up into two parts (perhaps 4 and 1). Think of the addition number bonds this creates (4 + 1 = 5 and 1 + 4 = 5). Now think about the flipside subtraction facts. Add up the total again (5) and look at the "take away" facts (5 - 4 = 1 and 5 - 1 = 4). Record the different facts. You've made a fact family!
  • Play Snap Challenge! At random times during the day call out to your kids "Snap Challenge! Fact family of 7, 5 and 2!" They will need to hold those numbers in their heads while they reply with the 2 addition facts and 2 subtraction facts - tricky!

Our Fact Family Resources

Bear Fact Families Blank

Bear Fact Families Blank

Use this "bear fact families" blank to work on any fact families with the kids. Write three numbers on the tulips and then ask the children to write the 4 number sentences that make up the fact family on the bear's tummy.

Bear Fact Families to 10

Bear Fact Families to 10

Learn about fact families up to 10 with the help of these lovely bears! There are 4 worksheets in this set, giving 12 problems for the kids to tackle. On each worksheet we've started them off on the first bear.

Fact Family Dinosaurs to 10

Fact Family Dinosaurs to 10

Count the spots on the neck, tail and back of the dinosaur, then use the results to write the 4 fact family number sentences. There's nothing like a friendly dinosaur to help with some maths! There are 8 worksheets in this pack, featuring the following fact families:

Fact Family House Blank

Fact Family House Blank

Here's a fun printable to liven up your fact family work. Start by writing the 3 numbers you are working with on the roof, then write the number sentences below. If you laminate the sheet you will be able to use it repeatedly.

Fact Family Posters 3 to 10

Fact Family Posters 3 to 10

These colourful posters can be laminated and used as mats or put up on display to remind children of their fact families. We included some cute animals to keep them interested!

Fact Family Triangle Blank

Fact Family Triangle Blank

Use this fact family triangle printout for fact family practice. We designed it to be printed onto card and laminated. Then use a white board marker to write a fact family onto the points of the triangle, and ask the children to fill in the number sentences.

Fact Family Worksheets Set 1

Fact Family Worksheets Set 1

These simple worksheets provide 3 numbers and ask the children to write out 2 addition facts and 2 subtraction facts for each set - in other words, the fact family. There are 4 worksheets in total, available in UK and US school fonts.

Make a Fact Family Mat Blank

Make a Fact Family Mat Blank

You can print this "make a fact family" mat onto white or coloured paper and laminate it for repeat use with dry wipe markers if you wish. Write 3 numbers on the children's T-shirts and then ask the children to write out the fact family in the spaces below.

Make a Fact Family Mats 3 to 10

Make a Fact Family Mats 3 to 10

There are 20 different fact family mats in this pdf file, so pick the ones you want to work on and print them out onto white or coloured card. We've written the 3 numbers for the fact family on the children's T-shirts. Now your kids need to write the fact families in the space below.

Number Bond Triangles

Number Bond Triangles to 10

These useful number bond cards come in colour or black and white and can be used to help children learn their number bonds to 10, addition within 10, subtraction within 10 and fact families.

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