Numbers to 10


Let's work together, step by step, through the process of learning numbers to 10. Just follow the links below to the appropriate level for your child or children to find ideas for early learning at home, out and about and in the classroom, together with our resources.

Numbers are all around us... we just get so used to them as adults that we stop noticing them. But all that will change when you have a toddler and think about introducing them to numbers:

  • What numbers sound like
  • What numbers look like
  • What numbers actually represent
  • How we use numbers

To really understand numbers and move on to being able to manipulate them, children must also be able to count on, count backwards, understand ordering and many other skills, all of which we cover below.

Number Sounds
What does a number sound like? The first step in familiarising children with numbers is to help...
Number Symbols
What does a number look like? If you start to look out for them, numbers are everywhere and we don...
Sorting Objects
Sorting activities are an important precursor to counting and understanding what comes next....
One to One Correspondence
What does a number mean? Many toddlers can count by rote, having listened to you and perhaps older...
Writing Numbers to 10
Of course it is important that children learn to write the number symbols correctly, and we have...
Counting to 10
Now that your child understands the sounds of numbers, what number symbols look like and one to one...
Recognising and Writing Number Words to 10
When children are comfortable writing the number symbols and counting, it is time to introduce the...
Counting On
Many children learn to recite their numbers, counting from 1 to 10 quickly, but get stuck if you...
Counting Backwards from 10
Learning to count backwards - and to understand what the numbers mean rather than just reciting...
Recognising Missing Numbers
It is useful for children to be able to recognise - and fill in - a missing number from a sequence...
Comparing Numbers up to 10
By this stage many children will also have a good sense of order of the numbers up to 10 and will...
One More and One Less
Adding "one more" and taking away one to get "one less" are skills which can be...
Ordering Numbers to 10
As well as being able to compare numbers, it is important that children can put numbers into order...
Number Bonds up to 10
A number bond is simply a pair of numbers that adds up to another number. "Getting" how...
Addition Within 10
By understanding counting on and number bonds, children will already have a grasp of some of what...
Subtraction within 10
We are going to look at three strategies for subtraction: subtraction by crossing out, subtraction...
Naming Positions to 10
When children are absolutely confident with numbers to 10, it is time to look at how we describe...
Writing Ordinal Numbers to 10
Help children learn to recognise and write the ordinal numbers up to 10 and their abbreviations too...
Naming Positions Left and Right
As adults we can easily describe an item as "first from the left" or "second from...
Fact Families to 10
Much of the previous work children have done with number bonds, addition within 10 and subtraction...

Up Next...

Numbers to 20
Numbers to 20

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