Here's a lovely little fox, but he's stuck inside the maze! Can the children help him find his way out? Fox maze - Log in or Become a Member to downloadFox maze - solution - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillagePuzzlesMazesTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZFoxesBritish WildlifeBritish Wildlife PuzzlesBritish Wildlife MazesAnimal PuzzlesAnimal MazesSeasonsAutumnAutumn PuzzlesAutumn Maze Puzzles
Hedgehog Maze This simple hedgehog maze is ideal for younger children. Can they help the hedgehog find his way out?
Squirrel Maze Squirrels are well-known for hiding nuts and acorns in the autumn - can the children help this little squirrel get to his acorn through the maze?
Fox Dot to Dot 3 This funny little fox looks like he is sniffing the wind for interesting scents! Join the dots to complete the picture.