More Olympic Games Learning Resources


Design a medal or an Olympic mascot, come up with an Olympic motto ... or simply practise your pencil control! This section contains Olympic Games learning resources which don't fit exactly under the "literacy" or "maths" sections.

Olympic Games Activities Sheet

Olympic Games Activities Sheet

There are all sorts of Olympic-themed activities suggested on this fun sheet, with enough to keep the kids going right through the 3 weeks of the games.

Olympic Games Pencil Control

Olympic Games Pencil Control

Here's a fun way to practice pencil control with your little ones. Start by tracing over the straight line, then progress down the page getting increasingly wavy as you go!

Olympics Venn Diagram Printable

Olympics Venn Diagram Printable

Use this Olympics Venn Diagram Printable to encourage the kids to do some thinking and sorting in the classroom! Compare and contrast the ancient and modern Olympic Games using a Venn diagram.

Summer Olympics Host Cities Fill in the Blanks

Summer Olympics Host Cities Fill in the Blanks

Get the kids to do some research on where past Olympic Games have been held, and fill in the blanks. On the first sheet we've dropped out years, cities and countries. On the second, all the countries are missing.

More Olympic Fun

Olympic Crafts
Olympic Crafts

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