Olympic Games Learning Resources


Lots NEW! Our Olympic Games worksheets and learning resources are designed to interest children in many different aspects of the Olympic Games, provide some fun, and give practise in some useful skills too. For home or school.

Olympic Scissor Activities
Our fun printable scissor activities give kids a reason to practice their cutting skills and we...
Olympic Games Literacy Resources
Lots NEW! From simple pencil control and handwriting worksheets and phonics to fun story paper and...
Olympic Games Maths Resources
Whether you are looking for simple counting activities themed around the Olympic Games, or...
Famous Olympians
We are thrilled to be bringing you this brand new collection of posters, colouring pages,...
More Olympic Games Learning Resources
Design a medal or an Olympic mascot, come up with an Olympic motto ... or simply practise your...

More Olympic Resources

Olympic Puzzles
Olympic Puzzles

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