Take a trip to Wales with us and learn a little about the country, have a go at some fun Welsh-themed crafts, enjoy our colouring pages, dabble in our daffodil and castle topics, explore our St David's Day section, and introduce the kids to some well-known Welsh landmarks! You can even have some fun with our Welsh language printables.

Harlech Castle, Wales
Our Wales Resources
Enjoy some Welsh crafts and recipes, print off a Welsh flag or try a Welsh themed colouring page or puzzle...
A collection of colouring page with Wales as the theme - ranging from flags to Welsh dragons to...
When we think about Wales we think about daffodils, castles, love spoons and dragons! You'll...
You can have fun finding out about Wales with our collection of Welsh printables. We've got...
We've a whole range of Welsh themed puzzles here. Try your hand at drawing some Welsh...
Whether you are learning about Wales or celebrating a national event bring something of Wales to...
Here's a collection of recipes to try for St David's Day or any time. We make no claims...
Learning about Wales
This section is for children wanting to learn more about the country of Wales. Use our resources to learn more about the geography, history, people and landmarks of the 'Land of Song'.
Learn about Wales , its land, its history and its people with our fun range of worksheets and...
Explore our collection of useful colouring pages, writing paper and postcards, and our...
A collection of Saint David printable activities for kids. Learn a little about the patron saint...
For kids learning Welsh - or the curious - we have a new collection of Welsh language printables...
Welsh Themes
Learn about the national flower of Wales and have fun with rugby, sheep, castles and, not forgetting, dragons!
A welcome sign that Spring is here, daffodils are surely one of the world's most popular...
Dragons, dragons and more dragons! Whether you want a dragon craft to support a fairy tale, a...
NEW! Welsh love spoons are famous - and they are fun to learn about, too. We've got a new...
Rugby union, known as rugby, is a contact team sport invented in England early in the 19th...
Sheep are kept all over the world to provide wool and food, but are particularly associated with...
We've got the very beginnings of a castle theme here, and we'll be expanding it soon....
Welsh Celebrations and Holidays
Introducing ...
St David's Day is celebrated in Wales and by Welsh people throughout the world on 1st March...

A boy and girl dressed in traditional Welsh costume!

More from our Around the World Topic...
